Truth or Dare Part 9

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Suddenly, it was like they were caught in a trance. Their heads began gravitating toward each other for another kiss. A real kiss...on the lips.

"Everything okay in here?" Riley called out, poking her head through the front door. Josh and Maya pulled back quickly and feigned innocence.

"Yep. All good." Maya assured, stifling a giggle as she watched Josh blush again, then brushed some hair behind her ears.

"What she said." Josh stated awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his neck. So much for not acting on his feelings. It was a good thing Riley came back when she did...or was it?

"Well, I'm glad." Riley beamed, coming all the way inside and closing the door behind her. "So, who's up for a movie?" She asked.

"I'm in." Josh said, eager for a change of subject.

"Me too, but we should probably change first." Maya agreed.

"Yay!" Riley happy-clapped. She had been dying to watch the latest supernatural rom-com.

Maya got up and followed Riley back to her room, but not before tossing a smile over her shoulder at Josh who just shook his head, not even bothering to hide his boyish grin. Yes, he definitely had feelings for this girl.

1 hour later
The three teenagers were sprawled out on the couch sound asleep with their feet propped up on the coffee table. Josh was in the middle with both his arms extended over the top of the couch and somewhat around the girls. Riley was on his right, on the side closest to the kitchen, tucked into the corner of the couch as she used the arm of the couch as her pillow. Maya was on his other side, turned in a bit towards Josh, using his shoulder as a pillow. Josh seemed to be reciprocating her position, being slightly turned into her as well as he rested his cheek atop her head.

"Aw," Topanga cooed. "Look at them."

Cory smiled as he stared down at his little brother snuggling the blonde.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Topanga inquired, noticing the pleased look on his face.

"I was just thinking about the day we left for New York." Cory said. "I told Josh that someday he'd meet his "Topanga."

"I remember." Topanga said, threading her arm through her husband's.

"Well, I am just now realizing that that day has already come." Cory explained.
"You think?" She asked seriously.

"I do. I know true love when I see it."

He assured his wife as he brought her hand up to his lips and kissed it.

"Well, they still have a few hurdles in front of them." Topanga noted. "The biggest being age and time."
"Yeah, but they'll get through it... Cory winked

"Maybe it's time for another Matthews boy to play the long game." Topanga added with a smirk. "I just hope he wins."
"Oh, he will." Cory guaranteed. "Us Matthews boys always do."

The couple shared a smile and then a quick kiss before parting ways.
Topanga headed to check on her youngest child, while Cory locked the door and turned off the TV. He gave the kids on the couch one last adoring look, then sauntered back to his bedroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2016 ⏰

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