Truth or Dare Part 4

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After 15 minutes of playing Disney Trivia, Maya won the game.

the buzzer by the door went off.

"Hey, Riley. It's Lucas.

"Lucas!" Riley squealed with delight then rushed to hit the button to let them in. "Come on up!"

Riley proceeded to smooth out her clothes and then shake her head about to make her hair appear sexier and have more volume, but instead she just looked like cousin It.

"How do I look?" She asked, striking a random pose.

Auggie face-palmed, while Josh just gave two thumbs up, not wanting to hurt his niece's feelings. Maya was the only one to respond verbally as she rubbed her forehead and spoke to no one in particular, saying, "I try... I try so hard, but I just can't undo weird. I just can't."

Just then, Lucas knocked on the door, so Riley ran a hand through her hair to smooth out the kinks, then proceeded to answer it.

"Hi." Riley greeted with a wide, toothy grin."
"Hi." Lucas responded with a sweet smile of his own.

Maya rolled her eyes as she watched them just stand there and smile at each other for a long moment until she decided to speak up.

"So, what brings you here, Huckleberry?" Maya inquired, not really caring about his answer, but just wanting to use one of the many nicknames she had for him.

"This." Lucas said, lifting up a green notebook that he had been holding in his right hand. He looked at Riley as he added, "I finished copying your Science notes, so I thought I'd bring it over and give it back to you. Thanks again for lending me your notebook, Riley."

"No problem." She smiled as she retrieved her notebook from the adorable Texan in front of her.

"You would do homework on a Friday night." Maya teased.

"What's wrong with that?" Lucas asked.
"What's right with that?" Maya retorted, sounding baffled.

"Okay, smarty-pants, what should I be doing on a Friday night?" Lucas queried.

"Something fun." Maya answered.

"Games." Riley cut in. "Games are fun. Why don't you come in and play one with us, Lucas."

"Sure. I love board games." He replied, as he crossed the threshold. Lucas took two steps toward the living room then suddenly paused and looked back to Riley. "Wait...we aren't playing The Family Game are we? Cause I'm not such a fan of that one anymore." He couldn't help but ask as he thought of the last Matthews game night he had crashed.

"No." Riley giggled. "Don't worry."

"We're playing Disney Trivia." Auggie chimed in.

"No, we're not." Josh stated, emphatically.

"Aw, what's the matter, Josh? Afraid I'm gonna kick your butt...again?"

"No...I'm just bored with this game." Josh covered, knowing his ego really was a bit bruised after that last round. He also just wanted to disagree with Maya. Their bantering was fun. He didn't want it to stop. Honestly, he was just afraid that if they didn't tease each other, they wouldn't talk at all, and Josh just couldn't let that happen because he actually quite enjoyed interacting with regular Maya as opposed to the usual crazy, love struck Maya. Not that she was really in love with him. I mean, she is not exactly a kid anymore, but she is still too young to know what love is, let alone feel it. So was he. Right?

"Yeah, I'm so sure." Maya answered, sarcastically.

"Come on, Uncle Josh! One more time?!" Auggie pleaded, causing Maya to grin.

With one look at his nephew, Josh knew he couldn't say no to those puppy dog eyes.

"All right, one more round, but that's it." Josh relented.

"YES!" Auggie cheered, then proceeded to high-five Josh, followed by a low five, and then a series of random hand gestures that they both did in perfect unison.

Clearly, they had their own secret handshake, which Maya thought was utterly adorable. Her heart melted a smidge as she watched their movements and the smiles on both boys' faces, both so genuine and sweet. He really was the most amazing guy ever. How could she not have feelings for him?

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