Truth or Dare Part 7

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"Okay, Miss Hart," he smirked. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare." Maya answered easily, not wanting to let Riley out-do her. Plus, she was never afraid of a challenge. Ever.

"I dare you to make a prank call." Josh told her, retrieving his cell phone from his pocket and holding it out to her.
"Fine." She responded confidently with a slight shrug of her shoulders then reached for his cell.

Josh pulled his phone back over his shoulder and out of Maya's reach as he added, "And when the caller answers you have to use a cheesy pick-up line on them.

"O-okay." Maya replied, a little less confident than she was a moment ago. She wasn't that good at the whole flirting thing, but then again, the whole point of this dare was to flirt badly so...

Maya held her hand out for the phone, just as Riley sat down on the couch.

"So, what is the dare?" Riley asked, hearing only part of the conversation from the kitchen.

"You'll see." Lucas answered, nodding his head toward Maya and Josh who sat on the other end of the couch nearest the dining area.

Josh quickly dialed a number, clicked on speaker phone, and handed his phone over to the blonde on his left.

Maya listened to the ringer sound through the phone. It rang, and rang, and rang, and rang...until finally, the line clicked and the sound of a male voice flowed through.

"Hello?" He greeted, nonchalantly.

"Hello." Maya answered, then waited a moment.

"Who is this?" The voice queried. Then, all of a sudden, a realization hit Maya. This wasn't some random voice. She had heard it a dorm room in NYU. It was Josh's friend, Andrew. She was sure of it; Maya had a knack for remembering faces and voices. She just had no idea why Josh had called him and not someone random. Maya flicked her eyes to look at her friends. Riley clearly didn't recognize the voice and Josh and Lucas just sat there indifferently, waiting to see what was going to happen next, so she shrugged it off and decided to have a little fun with Andrew.

"Don't you recognize my voice?" Maya asked innocently.

"Um... no." Andrew admitted. "Have we met before?"

Maya smiled like The Cheshire Cat as he fell right into her trap, then retorted, "Just in your dreams."

The gang snickered quietly at Maya's cheesy pick-up line as they waited for a response from the guy on the other end of the line.

"Oh, so you're my dream girl?" Andrew flirted back.

"It would seem so." Maya purred.

"Tell me something, dream girl." He started. "What are you wearing?"

Maya gave herself a quick once-over, taking in her blue jacket, black abstract-patterned shirt, ripped jeans, and ankle boots. She wasn't so sure how to answer his question, until her boots caught her eye. She cracked a small smile, crossed one leg securely over the other, and responded, "Leather. Black leather." It wasn't technically a lie, just an embellishment of the truth. One that would no doubt get a rise out of Andrew.

Riley and Lucas' eyes widened in shock as they pressed their lips together tightly to keep from laughing. Maya didn't notice though; she was too busy trying to decipher the look on Josh's face. If she didn't know any better, she would say he looked angry. Though she couldn't fathom why he would be.

"You ARE my dream girl." He tossed back after a brief pause. "Please tell me that you have long, black hair."

"It's blonde actually." Maya informed him.

"Oh." Andrew said simply. "Well, do you at least like to sing or play the guitar? Because my dream girl is a musical gem with the voice of an angel."

"I'm more of the artsy type." Maya replied. "I like to draw and paint and stuff like that."

"Does that mean you're a tortured soul who's covered in tattoos?" He joked.

"Hardly." She retorted dryly.

"No, wait. I bet you just have one that no one knows about, safely hidden where no one can see." He tried again.

"Nope." Maya said with a slight hesitation. She liked to draw temporary tats in sharpie on random spots on her body. That's what she would do-what she would want- in real life, if she ever did get a tattoo...something small, meaningful, and hidden.

"Liar." Andrew called her bluff. "I so nailed it."

"Bite me." She tossed back.

"Oh, feisty." He laughed

"Whatever." She shrugged him off.

"Okay, wait." Andrew continued. "Let me see if I got this are a sweet, leather-wearing, blonde artist with a fiery attitude."

"Sounds about right." Maya relented.
"Huh." He uttered, clearly amused by something.

"What?" She wondered aloud.

"Well, sadly, you aren't my dream girl, but you fit the bill for a friend a mine." He explained.

"Oh, really?" Maya inquired.

"Yeah, he actually just described his type to me the other day and you fit it exactly." He went on. "It's almost kind of creepy."

"Now you're the liar." She retorted.

"No, really." Andrew tried to convince her. "You can even look up my friend online if you don't believe me. His name's Jo–" Andrew was suddenly cut off by Josh ripping the phone from Maya's hand and hitting the end button.

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