Chapter 12 - WTF

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Chapter 12

Harry's POV 

After gym class, I actually felt bad for hurting Niall and laughing at him like that, but that's become a usual for me at school, as it's kind of my job. It's what the jocks expect of me as I'm the team captain. 

I'm now walking down the hallway to my next class, thinking about how rude I've become and how I annoy people who I was friends with. 

I know this might be confusing but before I had an interest in joining the school team, I was best friends with the people I just fought with. 

Hard to believe I know.

But I really was friends with them, and we were really close. I used to practice soccer with Niall. Luke, Michael and Calum used to teach me how to play guitar, and I got Liam and Danielle to tell each other their feelings and start dating. I bet if I ever tell people this story they’ll think I'm lying, but I swear I'm not. 

When Niall and I heard about the soccer team tryouts, we practiced really hard for three weeks but one day before tryouts while we were practicing, Niall slipped from a puddle of water and fractured his knee. The doctor told him that he can't play soccer or any sport for the next three months. We were both really bummed that all the practice we did was for nothing, so Niall suggested that I tryout on my own so all the hard work we both put on wouldn't go to waste. 

The next day I tried-out for the team, everyone including Niall was there to watch my tryout and told me good luck. 

I got in the team and they all cheered me on. I stayed friends with them for four more months and then the whole soccer team started making me do things I am not proud of, they also told me that they'd get me kicked off the team if I stay friends with the 'Losers'. 

So I was forced to bully them and annoy them with my crap to be able to have the control I now have over the school and girls, also to be the team captain. 

Girls started flaunting themselves on me, so I guess you could say I became a man-whore, which is one of the most things that I'm not proud of. 

I was now at my locker getting my things for my next class and saw Ashton walk out of the janitors closet smiling, why the hell was she in there?? 

In a minute, Louis also came out of the closet smiling, WHAT THE FUCK?? What were they doing in there?

 I feel like punching Louis right now, but why? It's none of my business whatever they were doing in there. But it's just eating me alive, he didn't even want me talking to her and now he's in a closet with her doing something I don't even want to think of and then they both leave smiling, I just feel like killing Louis.

Am I jealous?  No never!  I don't even like Ashton, I'm just furious that Louis is such a hypocrite and the worst best friend anyone could have. 

As I reached my next class which was biology, I was met with a familiar grey set of eyes. 

As Louis came up to me to probably tell me something about the kid the jocks are beating the hell out of, I completely ignored him and walked to my  seat which was sadly right next to his.

"Hey Haz what's up?" Louis asked as he sat in his seat. 

I looked up at him furious but then jut relaxed from seeing his friendly smile. Now don't think I'm gay or anything but Louis' like a brother to me so ya his smile brightens my day. I couldn't keep the frown on my face an thought to myself that I really don't even care that much about Ashton, so why would I start a fight about her with my bestest friend. 

"Hey, so what are we doing today after school?" 

"Well first you have to come to my house, my mum's making her famous chicken pie that you love, she also told me to invite you so yeah.” He stopped for a second to take a breath and continued “Then we have to take Lottie to the mall to buy a gift for her friend. And then we could go back to my house and watch some soccer games" Louis ended his day plan with a smile and looked to the front of the class as Mr. Darcy came in. 

I smiled back and nodded agreeing to his plan, while I listened to the long lecture about  DNA or something, I almost forgot about the thing going on between Louis and Ashton. 

But I don't think I ever will...   



Hey guys sorry for the short chapter i guess its kinda just a filler :P

Ashley and I have school like everyone else and we both take chemistry, Physics and Bio and other hard subjects, and its really hard to update that often so please forgive us if we dont update exactly on time... 

but thanks for reading we hope you enjoy our story :)

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Payton and Ashley :)

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