Chapter 11 - Dodge Ball

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Chapter 11 - Dodge Ball

Ashton Carter's POV

Across the soccer field were the so called assholes AKA the 'Jocks'. 

I was having fun and talking to all my friends and hugging and laughing until a familiar voice said  " aw look at the groupies hugging and having fun thinking they’re the awesomest people in the world " Harry said in a rude way sarcastically.

“Awesomest isn’t even a word” Charlie said as Harry rolled his eyes, and muttered a ‘whatever’ …

"Leave us alone Harry" said Liam defending us, after shaking his head at Charlie and her weirdness. 

"Horan tell your idiot of a friend to keep his mouth shut or both of you will get it" Harry said pointing at both of them trying to threaten them. 

As he said that,  Niall held Liam back and told him " Just drop it Li, seriously "and seeing the scared look on Niall's Ashton stood in front of Niall and said " what are you gonna do about it Harry? Ha? If your gonna lay a finger on Niall or Liam you'll have to get past us, all of us. I'm really tired of all your bullshit! You think your the most amazing person to ever walk on this earth, but guess what, YOUR NOT!!!" Ashton was fuming; I guess he has been holding this in since a very long time ago. 

“Ya Ashton's right, you've been bullying us and thinking your the king of the world and your so called 'possy' are your servants.” Charlie said defending Ashton. 

"What we all mean to say is please get the fuck off our backs and especially Niall's cause it's starting to get really annoying" Luke said almost yelling.

“I don't know what you've been putting everyone through here Harry, but yesterday you seemed like such a sweet person and you were so kind to Niall, but today I came this morning at saw you and thought that I had a friend here, but then I saw you beat up Niall, which is one of the sweetest people alive, and treat me like a piece of trash. Stop being so cocky and annoying and leave us the hell alone." I sort of screamed at him. I was really mad because he's being a serious ass right now. 

Harry walked up closer to me, with his piercing green eyes almost looking straight into my soul, then he suddenly said " you stay out of this, no one asked for your opinion on things Carter" his voice sounded like he was gonna punch me or maybe kill me. I was really frightened from him and his tone so I just glared at him and turned around. 

“Don’t you dare to ever speak to her in that tone ever again Styles." Said Michael walking to stand right in front of me, glaring back at Harry.

“I have a better way to settle this than just saying snazzy comments to each other, why don't we handle whose better in a game of dodge ball!" Said Zayn in a cocky way kind of knowing that they are gonna win. 

“That’s fine with us; just let it be You, Styles, Tomlinson, Jackson and Edwards against me, Ashton Luke, Michael and Niall.” Liam said obviously trying his best to annoy Harry and his friends. 

"Deal" Zayn said while glaring at us. 

"Hey we want to beat their asses too" Dani suddenly said as I saw Charlie walk beside her and so I decided to join. 

" hahah ya right like your not gonna leave from the first time we hit the ball at you and start crying " I think Jackson said that while provoking me to just want to punch him right in the middle of his face. 

"I dare you to hit a ball right now to my face and see what my reaction would be" I said suddenly getting a wave of bravery knocked into me. 

"Fine then let's start " Harry said with a smug smile on his face as we all started getting our selves ready. All through this I couldn't help myself but feel that Louis was really quiet, because when I first met him he was filled with witty comments and ways of making fun of others and making their lives a living hell. But I haven't heard him say anything through the whole fight, which makes me wonder what happened. 

When everyone was ready, suddenly balls started getting tossed around in every direction, people falling, jumping and running around trying to save their selves. 

Almost 10 minutes later, the only people left in the middle of the gym were Niall and Harry. 

"I dare you to just throw it now and see what will happen" Harry said with a smug smile shooting it towards Niall. As Harry said that Niall winced and looked down at the ground giving Harry the chance to throw the ball straight to his face. 

Niall fell to the floor, holding his nose while it bled. And through all of this Harry and his 'possy', aside from Louis, were laughing at what happened. 

Niall was in pain while they just laughed their butts off, which is very rude. We all ran towards Niall trying to help him up. Liam and Ashton carried him with their arms wrapped around his waist trying to hoist him up, while trying to take him to the nurse's office. 

As we were leaving the gym, I looked back to Louis, whose eyes were staring directly at mine. They were filled with guilt, sadness and regret. I then looked at Harry as he started saying "In your faces losers!" He said it in a happy and humorous tone which made me want to kill him. 

"Shut the fuck up Styles and leave us the hell alone" I said as anger flooded in my blood, I really felt like murdering him at that moment. I couldn't believe he was the same sweet guy I met yesterday. It was just unbelievable who much a person can fake emotions and stuff. Are you sure he doesn't have an evil twin brother?? Na not even possible.

I left the gym frustrated trying to follow up with everyone to see how Niall was doing. I bet everyone is wondering how this could've happened during a class with a teacher, well gym class in this school is a class that you choose to take, so it doesn't exactly have a teacher teaching it. I know it makes no sense but ya I guess that's how this school roles. At first I thought that this was awesome so we don't really have to take a real gym class, but now I think we really need a teacher because of what just happened. 

Also because students choose to take this class or not, there's only 15 students in this class. And the extra five apart from our group just had to be the worst group in school. Ya I know just our luck. 

So back to what's really happening, all ten of us entered the nurses office and the second she saw us her eyes widened, but when her eyes landed on bloody ole Niall, her eyes widened even more as she started moving up to Niall and helping the guys put him up on the bed. 

The nurse was actually a really young girl. I think she was about 24. She was really pretty with ginger long hair and a pair of knee high shorts and a Beatles t-shirt. 

She started helping Niall out as she kicked us out of her office as she needed more space to work. 

The bell soon rang and Niall came out of the nurse's office. We all said goodbye to each other and headed to our different classes. Liam and I both had creative writing now so we headed off.

While I was going to my locker and Liam was already at his, someone suddenly pulled me into the janitor’s room. 

I was freaked out until I heard a familiar voice speaking.

"Don't freak out it's just me, Louis " he said as he turned on the lights in the room. He appeared to be smiling the second he saw me but them when he saw the frown on my face, his smile disappeared. 

"I know I'm really sorry about what happened to Niall, I really didn't mean to do what I did to him this morning. I never meant what I ever really did to him. He's always been the nicest guy I've ever met. I really hope he's okay, is he? “Louis said in an honest way and pain seemed to be very obvious on his face. 

“Ya he's fine now, but it would have been a lot nicer if Harry hadn't thrown the ball to his face. But I really have I get to my class now, so I'll talk to you later "I said   saying goodbye to be able to get to class on time and left the little room thinking no one saw me...

But I guess I was wrong.



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Ashley and Payton :)

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