Chapter 1 - A New Beginning ..

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   Chapter 1 - A New Beginning...

    I’ve always dreamt of this.  Since I was at a younger age, I’ve dreamt of leaving the New York City and living the way I want, as I want it to be.  I’m 16 still living under my parents rules and obeying their silly orders. I’m not saying my parents are terrible; it’s just any teenager would love to go out and live alone without parents bossing them around. But the problem is that I didn’t imagine moving out of my parents house would be so soon, and to the other half of the world.

So I’m now on a plane heading to Holmes Chapel in the U.K to live with some strange family which I think, goes by the name of Payne, for an entire year as an exchange program student. The seatbelt sign turned green, and the pilot blabbed about the safety stuff while you’re on the plane, it’s not like I cared I’ve been on planes thousands of time and nothing bad ever happened to me.

So by now you must be thinking that I’m such a badass of a girl but honestly, I’m the most innocent you’d ever meet. It’s not that I’m bragging (but it’s nothing to brag about :P ) but I’ve been in trouble a couple of times, I’ve cheated on some tests, I’ve lied to my parents, but that s a normal teenager’s life, and nothing is wrong with it ….

So I put my headphones in and pressed the shuffle button, my favorite song popped up.  And the soft beginning of “Chasing Cars” by Snow patrol started flowing into my ears and through my mind, its lyrics are so captivating and meaningful and that’s what made me fall in-love with the song. It’s not like any other meaningless song, it holds a very deep significance, or at least to me .

“ We'll do it all


On our own

We don't need


Or anyone

If I lay here

If I just lay here

Would you lie with me

And just forget the world?

I don't quite know

How to say

How I feel

Those three words

Are said too much

They're not enough

If I lay here

If I just lay here

Would you lie with me

And just forget the world?

Forget what we're told

Before we get too old

Show me a garden

That's bursting into life

Let's waste time

Chasing cars

Around our heads

I need your grace

To remind me

To find my own

If I lay here

If I just lay here

Would you lie with me

And just forget the world?

Forget what we're told

Before we get too old

Show me a garden

That's bursting into life

All that I am

All that I ever was

Is here in your perfect eyes

They're all I can see

I don't know where

Confused about how as well

Just know that these things

Will never change for us at all

If I lay here

If I just lay here

Would you lie with me

And just forget the world?”

Throughout the 12 hour flight, I fell into a deep sleep and only woke up twice to eat some food and drink water; I would never be able to live more than a few hours without my lovely food. Thankfully, the seat next to me is empty, so I took a few minutes to admire the view under me from the window, it was beautiful, really astonishing to see the amazing sunset from a flying plane.

Ten minutes later, the pilot said that we are going to land in a few moments and to buckle our seatbelts, and I was screaming from joy and happiness that I am going to land because honestly my stomach in killing me and I feel like throwing up.

Finally when I got off the plane, I went and got my very big and heavy luggage, which took me almost 15 minutes because people are really aggressive here and want to get past others and get their stuff, also because I was waiting for bags that have neon duck tape on them to come out because they are mine.

When I gathered all my stuff, I went out the gate and looked for the family I’d be staying with for a whole year. I really hope they are a nice and sweet family that don’t have an asshole of a son or daughter, excuse my language but that’s the way I sometimes express myself. Walking  some more, I found a sign that had the word “ASHTON CARTER ” in big letters on it, with a family surrounding it, so I said loudly with my horse voice which  haven’t used in 12 hours  “well wish me luck…”



hey guys, its Payton and Ashley :)

the picture on the side is Ashton, she is the seriously pretty Savannah Jayde <3

this was the first chapter of our book, hope you like it... there is more of it to come....

also if it needs any improvment feel free to comment or inbox us about it :) 

also the first 2 chapters are a bit boring but we promise it becomes better later on :)

please (if you want) vote/ commment and Fan <3


Payton&Ashley :)

Two Different Pieces (a One Direction Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora