Chapter One, A not so dreamless sleep.

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Hello everyone! So this is the Next part of the story. Please note that I had planned on making it a LOT longer, however because of how busy I am right now with work and school, I decided to upload it in smaller chunks (Or smaller chapters I guess) the other advantage to this is that I know a lot of people don't like reading something that is like 20 pages per part lol. So by uploading it in small parts, (At least in the begging chapters) hopefully  people will more enjoy the story, then look at reading like a chore. :P anyway, enjoy, next part is coming soon!

Also, I am going to be posting a new fan made piece of cover art with each chapter! I have a few... but keep sending them! they are so cool to look at and get :P this first one is from 

@fantasy343 Thanks a lot!! Its wicked cool :P

Oh yeah 1 more thing :) the story is going to be largly dominated by random flashbacks from the main characters point of view. (at least in the early stages of the story) The flashbacks are intended on slowly letting you know who he is, how the outbrake happened, why he is the way he is, and how he got where he is now. Personally I am a big fan of flashbacks in stories, but I know LOTS of people hate them. Mostly because a lot of writers just mash them into the story without any warning. Rest asured I will try NOT to do that, I will indicate when flashbacks are happening, and make it clear when they were taking place in the characters life. wew that was a lot! lol sorry about rambleing! enjoy ;P

Chapter One, A not so dreamless sleep.

I sat cross legged in front of a small fire, darkness completely surrounded me. It was night again, and I had retreated into my little hiding place in central park. The hiding place was nearly impossible to spot from the outside, because it was and underground room I had dug out myself. The top was covered by branches, sticks, and pieces of ply wood I had salvaged in the early days of my survival. On top of that was a layer of dirt, which had now been overgrown with grass.

The only way in or out of the hideout was a small step ladder which lead up to a piece of plywood on hinges. I know what you are thinking; having only one way in or out of your hiding place is a bad idea, and your right. However that becomes irrelevant when no one knows you’re there.

It seemed to be the most logical place to hide these days. I remember before I made this place I used to run around inside the city, sneaking from building to building, and new hide out to new hide out. The nice thing about that was food and water was a lot more accessible, only problem was how dangerous it was…

After a few close calls I decided enough was enough. I decided to make my permanent residence in central park. There’s a lot less of them walking around here but like I said before, the only problem is getting food and water. To do that I have to go back into the city every so often and loot what I can.

I exhaled deeply as I reached up; pulling off the facial mask I was wearing. The mask was black, except for the skeleton smile drawn widely across the front of it. I stared at the mask for a moment, and then shook my head with a slight chuckle as I set it on my lap. I slid the dark brown hood off my head, reviling my short dark brown hair. I had been wearing the hood and mask all day, like I do every day. I felt relieved to finally be able to take them off.

My stomach grumbled as I reached into a pocket just beneath the one where I had placed the lighter and wallet. I pulled out a half-eaten granola bar, wrapped in tin foil. I gingerly peeled back the foil, staring at what was left.

In one small bite I devoured the whole thing, licking the foil to get any remaining crumbs that may have been left behind. Satisfied I had gotten everything out of it; I crumpled up the foil and tossed it away. I would have to go back into the city, next thing tomorrow morning to get more food, that being my last scrap and all.

My eyes felt heavy, it was late, time to sleep. I rubbed my sleepy eyes, trying to stay awake. I didn’t want to fall asleep yet. I reached into my chest pocket, pulling out James’s wallet again, flipping it open to the pictures of his wife and kids. I starred at them for a moment, there bright shining faces… so full of hope.

With every ounce of strength I had left I fought to stay awake, but soon exhaustion and malnourishment had overtaken me. My eyelids shut against each other, to the final glance of the woman I imagined was James’ wife. As I slowly drifted off into a not so dreamless sleep…

About 1 year ago.

I stepped through a long narrow hallway of a military office building. All through the hallway there were doors on either side. The end of the hallway however was my destination. I glanced at the nameplate on the front of the door before entering.

General Pooler. It read.

I turned the knob, entering the office. The door made a slight creaking sound as it opened. I could see the general was busy doing some paper work when I stepped through the door. He immediately stood up, greeting me. He had short grey hair, and his physical fitness had seemingly diminished over the years of his career spent behind a desk. He was a shorter, rounder looking man then I had once heard he was.

“Ahh! Corporal Tailor! I’ve been expecting you. Care to have a seat?” he asked.

“No thank you sir, I prefer to stand.” I replied.

“Suit yourself.” he said as he sat back down into his chair. “Do you know why you’re here?”

I shook my head, “No sir, if I knew why I was here I wouldn’t need to be here.” I replied in a smart ass sort of tone.

“You’re being transferred.” he said bluntly.

“Transferred!? To where?”

“To New York, there’s some kind of medical emergency going on in the US, that’s all I know. The rest is top secret; I guess the Americans don’t want the rest of world to know they’re in trouble.”

“But sir… I don’t understand, did I do something wrong?”

“You didn’t do anything wrong Corporal. Everyone here is extremely impressed with you. When the US came begging us for help, they asked us to send our brightest and our best. You made the cut. You leave in fourteen hundred hours with your new unit.”

“My new unit? Sir, before a new unit is commission for field duty they need to spend weeks training together…”

“I know, but my superiors tell me there isn’t any time for that. Besides, you and the rest of your unit are all the best we have. You all have spec ops back rounds, and some even have more impressive records that. You’ve all been trained to adapt, learn, and more importantly win.”

“This is ridiculous! You can’t expect me to…”

“Look Tailor! I don’t make the rules; I’m just the messenger here. Now get the fuck out of my office and report for duty, before I have you forcibly removed.”

The general slammed his fist on the desk, bearing an angry sneer that could make a child cry. Completely overtaken by rage I stormed out of his office, heading down the hallway I had come in. Could this really be happening? It just didn’t make any sense…

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