Chapter 27- proposal

Start from the beginning

"That's really sweet Kieran, thank you." I went over to his resting spot and gave him a massive hug.
"Alaska?" He asked looking down for a moment, his usual confident aura had completely morphed into one of nervousness and anxiety.

"Yes?" I questioned him sitting on his lap and resting my head on his chest.
"Can I tell you something that I haven't told anyone in a really long time?" His tone caught me off guard, it was full of wariness and it seemed that If I said something wrong he would completely break. I didn't like seeing him like this, I liked seeing him be his usual cocky and cheerful self, after all it is his stubborn attitude that had allowed him to eventually earn my trust and friendship.
"Of course, I would never judge or think anything less of you."
"Um... Well uhh I'm...I'm gay," he let out a breath after the word left his mouth and looked up at me with desperate eyes.
"Why would you think that would make me think less of you? If anything this just makes me think more of you for having the courage to admit it and embrace it because there truly is nothing wrong with loving whoever you love and besides, I've always wanted a gay best friend.

A full blown smile broke out on his face and he pulled me in for an even bigger hug than the one I gave him, he seemed extremely relieved that I took the news well, I really don't know why he was freaking out over it, of course I'd accept him, he could secretly be a honey badger and I'd still love him, as a friend of course. "That's the reason I got kicked out of heaven," he mumbled tucking his head into my neck like a small child. "What?!" How could they cast an eleven year old boy out of his home and into a strange environment without anyone to help him just because he didn't bat for the right team. "When I see those Angels I'll rip each blindingly white feather from they're precious little wings," I was practically seething by this point, how could anybody let alone an angel do that?

"I would love to see that," he laughed pinching my side.
"Oh don't you worry you'll get a front row seat." I said rubbing my hands together evilly.

*Andy's P.O.V*
That didn't just happen. No, Alaska didn't just leave with another guy. She didn't just willingly choose my enemy over me. I'm going to open my eyes and she will be right there smiling up at me. 1....2....3 I opened my eyes but all I was met with was the stupid faces of her old pack members. They stood huddled together looking at me nervously, it was obvious that they were scared, they should be after all, they had tried to take my beloved mate from me.

I allowed a thunderous growl to bubble up in my throat and I was satisfied to see them cower back into the shadow of a large oak tree. With a flash I was in front of them holding them up against the tree by their scrawny necks, "give me one good reason why I shouldn't rip your fucking throats out." They both gulped and looked at each other desperately trying to figure out a good enough excuse to tell me. With each passing minute my anger grew, leading to my claws elongating and pressing up against their throats. A small amount of scarlet blood started to leak out of a wound I had caused on the throat of the idiot with a blonde streak in his hair.

Uhh.. Um, because..because....because if you kill us Alaska will hate you!" The idiot blubbered out as he watched drops of his blood run down my hand and drop to the forested floor beneath us. Fuck! He's right if Alaska saw that I had hurt one of her idiots she would hate me forever and that's something I can't allow, she's gotten close to hating my entire being and managed to forgive me before but somehow I feel like she won't be as forgiving this time.

"Fine!" I snarled out backing away, allowing them to drop to the ground. "But you have to help me with something,"
I smirked evilly, watching them rub their necks in relief. "What could you the all mighty Andrew possibly need us for?" This one has confidence and a small amount of power, I'm guessing beta of his pack. "Watch your tone you ungrateful mongrel!" I snarled out trying to stop my eyes from turning red. Everything these mutts seemed to do pissed me off, not killing them will probably be the hardest thing I've ever had to do.

"I need you to journey down to hell with me so I can gather a decent sized army," I explained but they didn't seem to understand the English language. "Wait go down to hell where all of the bloodthirsty demons live?"
"Yes, what's so hard to understand about that?" He looked at me with wide eyes before turning to blonde streak with a 'can you believe this lunatic?' Look. "Um we're going to have to pass, thanks for the offer but no thanks,"
"Yeah jack's right, um.. Our mates will be wondering where we are." Oh so blonde streak's name is Jack, I feel sorry for their mates, they have to put up with these morons on a daily basis.

"The thing is, you don't have a choice, you have to help me," I declared, my pupils slowly dilating until my eyes were a solid black colour. "Because if you don't, you will die and Alaska won't ever find out." I smiled at them showing them my fangs to try and scare them a little more. It obviously worked judging by the horrified looks that over came their faces.
"Um wow would you look at that our schedules just opened up, we will in fact be able to help you," beta forcefully laughed out rubbing the back of his neck.

"Good, let's go."
Finally finished chapter 27, I hope you enjoyed it, if not that's okay I know my writing isn't the best but I love to write so I will probably continue to do so.
I feel like this chapter is kind of shitty because I rushed it a little but oh well I can always fix it in the future.
That's all I really have to say so farewell.

Chapter song- walk over me by the all American rejects.

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