"Makeup artists are touching Barbara up right now. We have a ten minute break." Alex stated. "By the way, Liam is leaving pretty soon."

"Okay." I nod. "I'm gonna go grab some food, I'm gonna text a friend and bring her with me. And maybe I can pick up a couple things from the dorm room to bring to your house."

He simply nodded in response before standing up. "Be careful." He said before walking back towards the studio room.

I immediately texted Quinn.

Me: Quinn, Harry and I broke up. I'm at a photography studio near chipotle.  Please come get me we can go eat something.

Quinn: Wtf was it about this time??

Me: I'll explain later.

Quinn: You guys are so on & off omfg

Me: Cmon Quinn are you coming or not??

Quinn:Yes chilllll I'll be there. You better tell me all the details when I'm there. And we're going to chipotle. No choice.


I had sat down in the lobby and I had gotten a glance of myself in the mirror and I looked terrible. My mascara was running down my cheeks.

Moments later I saw Quinn walk into the lobby and her jaw slightly fell open. She frowned at my appearance making me sigh as she ran over.

"Oh my god," she hummed in sympathy. "Let's get you cleaned up."

She took my hand and dragged me into the nearest restroom.

"You're lucky I have makeup wipes 24/7." She shook her head opening her purse and digging through it.

She grabbed the makeup wipes and forcefully wiped down my cheeks and eyes.

"Ow," I mumbled with a scowl on my face. I grabbed the wipe from her and wiped my makeup off myself.

"Wait where are you staying tonight?" She asked.

"I'm staying with Alex. Remember I told you about him."

She raised a brow. "Moving on already I see?"

I chuckled to myself. "No, he invited me out of pity. He's probably gay, he's too hot to be straight."

"Hm. I'll have to meet him." She hummed to herself.

I threw away my old makeup wipe and we were on our way to the chipotle next door.

We both got a burrito bowl and some chips. We chose a spot to sit at and I began explaining the whole situation.

"So we were fighting about how he doesn't trust me and then he asked if I had ever cheated on him." I paused hesitating.

"Bitch you cheated?" She exclaimed.

"No! Well, I don't know! Let me explain." I sighed. "I kissed someone else- but we were broken up when I did it. And I told him and he left and broke up with me."

"Oh. I mean you didn't cheat, but that's still fucked."

"How? We weren't together!"

"If you found out Harry kissed someone right now wouldn't you be pissed off?" Quinn stated.


(later that night)

Harrys POV

I bit my lip before leaning closer to her, kissing her lips tenderly. She eagerly kissed me back and wrapped her hands around my neck pulling me closer.

I couldn't help but think this was wrong, but when I reminded myself that Mackenzie and I were done  it felt so much better. It felt so good kissing somebody without any commitment. It felt so good kissing somebody for no fucking reason. It felt so good getting the pleasure without getting the pain. It felt so good not having to care. But it felt so bad without her.


Yikes! Double update bc I've been gone so long! So sorry guys. Thank you for reading as always.


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