Chapter 84: Carrie, Roll the Dice

Start from the beginning

"Okay, I'll just make a phone call," He said.

After tapping a few times on his phone, "Hello, Mom? I left my wallet there at home and Paulene is buying me my movie pass. I know, Mom. I know. Yeah. Exactly! I don't even have money to get a cab. Yeah, and that too, I'm so sorry. I'll buy you and Dad something next time. I promise. I'm so sorry. Yeah, yeah. Can you ask Greg or anyone to give me my wallet? Yeah. And also the car. Thanks a lot, Mom. I love you too."

"Wow, you really asked someone to deliver you your wallet-- and your car."

"Yeah. I'll just pay you after the movie. Greg will get here just in time," He said, looking relieved.

"Yes, ma'am?" The teller asked.

"Two for Carrie, please. Thank you," I answered as I handed her twenty dollars in exchange of the movie tickets.

"You know, that was really unnecessary. You could really pay me back next time. And, I could also lend you some cab money," I said, returning my gaze to Franz.

Poor Greg. Haven't met him yet, but, I feel kind of sad for him. I'm pretty sure he'll get here before the movie ends. He'll have to wait for his boss just to give him his wallet and car keys. 

And how will this Greg go home if he leaves the car? He might just take a bus or something.

Rich people and their slaves.

"Why'd you really have to ask him to leave you your car? We can both take a cab home. How will Greg--"

He burst out laughing.

"You're worrying about Greg?" He asked.

"Yes, I am! Aren't you?" I answered.

My god, I didn't know Franz was this heartless!

"I'll give him cab money, he can go home safe and sound," He sneered.

"Or you can just let him take your car and you can go home riding a cab."

"How can I drive you home then?" He asked.

H-how.. What?

I felt my cheeks starting to burn as my heart started to race.

"Also, after the movie, it's just right that we grab something to eat first before I drive you home, right?" He smirked.

There's that smirk again! Jesus, the incubus is back!

"I think we should go inside, the movie's about to start," I said as I averted my gaze on him.

Guess this horror movie is going to be a lot less scary than the danger I'm about to get myself in.


Should've stayed to watch a movie with Paulene.

Freakin' Carrie--

"Roll The Dice!" Ludwig Harrison announced.

He went on, "You are about to be the biggest rock band in the United States of America and the entire world! The offer is not only for Ashton anymore. I talked to the bigger bosses and they agreed to get the whole band into the ride!"

They were all clapping, including Martin who seems to be very excited about all of this.

I should be excited too, right?

"Right here is your contract. All you have to do is sign and by January, we're gonna get you out of here and move you to LA. You will be sponsored and backed by our recording and production team. Trust me, you will have your very own album next year. We aim to make you bigger than those bunch of British kids called "One Direction"."

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