Chapter 9: The Bet

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Franz just walked out. I think Ashton went after him. I may be a little drunk but I'm sure there's some sort of drama going on here.

I popped some chips in my mouth.

And this girl is Ashton's girlfriend?

Didn't Ashton say he was single earlier? Oh, yeah, Ashton's definition of single is a guy who is not married.

I'm over thinking again. What's worse is that it's over the things I should not give a damn about.

And why should I care if Ashton has a girlfriend? A guy like him is expected to have a hot girl like this one in front of me.

I look at her. She is using her phone. The light illuminates her face. She's really beautiful. Her sex appeal is also filling the entire room. She is a perfect match for him.

She then rose and left the room. My eyes tailed her.

I was then startled when I felt my phone vibrate.

I checked to see.

It's an SMS from an unregistered number. An unregistered number I know too well. I opened the message.

"I miss you, baby. Come back. :( "

I should have just changed my phone number when we broke up.

"Who is it?" Krista looked up at me and continued,

"Oh my god, Pau! I forgot to tell Mom and Dad that we're staying here longer. Please tell them that we're not drunk and that I'm gonna drive us home safely." She looked at me with her puppy eyes, grinned, and then went back to making out with Horace.

"Okay. I'll text Mom," I muttered to myself.

I kept on re-reading the text message Josh sent me. I have this urge to reply. But, I know I have to have some backbone.

I ignored his text and just sent a message to Mom.

My phone then started vibrating. It was an incoming call--

From Josh.

I panicked. What should I do?! Should I answer?! What does he want?!

I stepped out of the room.


Damn it, Franz. Don't be such a pussy.

I saw Franz and made my way towards the bar.

I took the seat next to him.

"Believe me, you're gonna pass out and wake up sick." I took the bottle of whiskey he was holding.

"You know too well that you should not drink beer, and then whiskey."

He snatched the bottle back. "I can handle myself. I'm not a kid anymore. Not the same kid who followed you wherever you would go so you can teach him how to play the guitar. Most importantly, I'm not gonna let you order me around again."

He took another gulp.

"Why does she like you so much? What do you have that I don't?"

"Please. Not this conversation again."

"Why won't you just let go of her?"

"Because I don't own her in the first place," I say in my as-a-matter-of-fact tone.

"Then push her away! What's in it for you, Ashton? Don't talk to her! Ever! That way, she might notice me again."

I could do that. I never really liked Tiffany anyway. However, I honestly don't think she will give Franz a chance even if I do what he wants me to do.

Could I really let her go? Without Tiffany, we would lose a lot of fans. My band means everything to me.

She is also someone I could call anytime I please. She'd come over at an instant whenever I want to have a good time. She's really good in bed. Tiffany is the best.

I also doubt that she'll ever let me go. The woman is obsessed even if I don't give her attention.

That's it! Tiffany is like my pet. Losing her is like losing my pet. That can be quite devastating too. I want to laugh at the thought.

"Tiffany will go when she wants to go, where she wants to go. I am not asking her to stay. Neither am I going to shoo her away," I finally say.

Franz did not respond. We fell silent for quite a while.

This is getting annoying. I look away. I see Paulene standing outside the VIP lounge. She seems to be talking to someone on the phone.

"I think Paulene is cute," I say, breaking the silence.

Franz stays quiet. His eyes are fixed on his bottle of whiskey.

This is hopeless. I'm getting too irritated already. I rise to take my leave.

"Wait," Franz croaked.

"Please... I still need to talk to you," He managed to say.

I sighed.

"For old friendship's sake."

"For old friendship's sake," He echoed.

I signaled the bartender to give me a bottle of beer.

"Let's make a deal. A bet," Franz said in a serious tone.

I look at him, confused. He really is serious.

He went on, "Whoever makes Paulene fall in love first, wins."

I choked on my beer.

"You said she's cute, right? If you win, you get her."

"I can get her if I want to without this useless bet."

"We'll see about that. We both know I'm good at this too. I won't make it easy for you. You taught me the tricks, Ashton. Now, if I win, you don't get her and you'll have to push Tiffany away. Cut communications with her. Ignore her."

This is crazy. I let out a laugh and said, "I don't see what I'll get out of this. You can have them both for all I care. I won't do it."

"How about 200 bucks? We both know you need it. You win, you have that new girl as your new play thing plus the 200 bucks."

"Now, that's what I'm talking about! Make it 500." I grinned.

"Deal." He reached out for my hand and I gladly shook it.

And what if you win, Franz? Will you really get anything at all in this?



This is dedicated to MsMaryMac, the author of the ongoing Before the End of Summer-- a really great story, guys! Thank you MsMaryMac for showing love for my story. And yes, you may give Franz a hug. >:D<

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