more gay stuff

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Father D has added Pg1

Father D has added pg21

Father D: no flying of the book just yet

Pg21: can I fly of the book if I get pregnant

Father D: ty you have a dick I don't think you can get pregnant

Pg21: you don't know that

Just a hoodie: hoodie he/him gay

Maxwell: hoods that a little late

Rain: rian he/him pan

Shit: Zack he/him bi

Jack barapig: Jack he/him bi

Maxwell: you guys are late

Peter went: Pete he/him gay

Oreo: Frank ;-; he/him ;-; bi

G{ay}erard: Gerard he/him 🌈🌈🌈 gay🌈🌈🌈

Maxwell: LATE

Jack barapig: fuck you maxx

Just a hoodie: that my job boi

Ga(y)karth: die please

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