gay boy chat

858 11 13

G{ay}erard:fucking why are we here

Oero: please Gerard watch you language

Jack barapig:fuck you let a man cuss

Oreo: please I'm just a young little Oreo

G{ay}erard: leave my Oreo alone you pig

Father D: okay then

Father D: name,pronouns,and sexuality

Peter went: don't forget memes

Pg21:frick you Pete

Maxwell: found Tyler. Or Josh but I think it's Tyler

Pg1: salutation I'm Tyler

Pg21:please get a life Jish

Pg1: Joshua he/him. GaY

And ty you are my life you little frick

Pg21: gay

Ga(y)karth: Alex your friendly neighborhood transboy and gay af

Pg21:Tyler thay/them and pan

Maxwell : max thay/ them and also pan

Cinnamon roll: Patrick and the same as ty and max

Father D: my three children

Father D: Dallon,he/him just bi

Breadbin urie: Brendon I have no pronouns bitch cuss I'm a fucking rainbow and gay af

Father D: for them it's thay/them

Breadbin urie: IM EXPOSED

Breadbin urie: DADDY WHY

Rain: "daddy " kinky fucks

Father D: oh shit Brendon whyyyy

Breadbin urie: :- )))))))))))

Pg21:ohhhhh my f word

Shit: Tyler don't act surprised and shit we all know what you call Josh ;-)

Pg1: bb boy we gotta fly off this book

Pg1 has left the chat

Pg21has left the chat

Jack barapig: wtf just happened

Ga(y)karth: Idk

G{ay}erard: Idk ether

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