I grabbed my car keys and made my way out of Amir's house.



"I think the answer is thirty seven." I said as after I explained how to complete the math problem. I was helping my little sister do her homework since today was a little more.

"You're right!" She extended her hand and we high-fived.

I smiled. "Of course I'm right."

"Okay now you're annoying." She rolled her big green eyes. My sister had such pretty eyes. She took mostly my fathers features and I sometimes was jealous because I wanted some of my fathers looks but I mostly got my moms soft features.

"Momma!" My sister ran into my mother's arms. She burrowed her face into my moms neck.

My mother laughed and just hugged her tighter. I smiled at the scene. I loved to see smiles on my loved ones faces. It made me feel okay even though my outside world was crumpling.


The next day at school, I completely avoided school. You wanna know why? Well Amir is the reason.

Actually it seems like Amir is the main source of my problems these past days. I really needed to graduate so I can get out of this hell called Highschool. More like high-can't freaking survive even if I tried-school.

Rumor spread that me and Amir were together and that's it. Girls have gone crazy and Amir confirmed it. I don't even know what to make of it. Even his social media points out he's taken. Like who took him? Not me. That's for sure.

I walked into a coffee shop because I didn't need to attend school. It was early in the morning so I needed to at least some coffee. I was falling asleep with every step.

I got in line behind some guy. And was looking at the menu. When I finally get to order I just get plain black coffee and pick a table to go sit at. This place was packed so it was difficult finding a single empty seat.

I began scanning the crowds and realize most of them are from the high school but what terrified me the most was that Amir was sitting in with them. My heart began to pound and I hid my face. I needed to get to the door but knew hat would be complicated since Amir was sitting right next to it.

How did I not see him when entering?

There was only one thing to do! I'm such a genius. I quickly got on my knees and crawled under a table. Then from that table I crawled under the next one. The only problem was that people's feet sometimes stepped on my fingers and that my coffee was now spilling all over the place. After seeing my cup of coffee was all over my clothing then inside my stomach, I decide to just leave it behind. It really hurt to do that. I paid 5 bucks for that stuff!

When I finally got to Amir's table, all I had to do was crawl to the door and I was free. How did I know it was Amir's table? Amir's men's Louboutin were right next to me.

I crawled out under the empty chair but ended up getting stuck. Crap!

I began to fumble a little but I couldn't get out from the chair. It trapped me and the only I could get out is if I break the chair. That wouldn't be good and I don't got money.

I decided to just undo the damage and just get out from the chair. I reversed everything and in the spur of the moment I slid the chair to the side and ran out. I heard gasps but I didn't care because by that time I was already out the door.

I smirked. I was finally out.

Hehe I was not to mess with. Nobody can mess with this.

Not paying attention to the road I was to run across the street, when I heard a loud horn. I didn't take any notice and was about to just keep running across when a hand gripped my collar and yanked me back. I was slammed against someone so hard that it almost knocked the breath out of me. I rolled to the side and gripped my chest. I sat up against the wall and realized who my savior was.

"What were you thinking!" Amir screamed at me. He was breathing hard and his eyes blazing.

"I-" I stopped. I didn't know what to think. I wasn't thinking. "I don't know." I finally answered. If Amir hadn't pulled me back I might have been hit. I was so distracted that I didn't realize the cars had the right of the way.

"Of course you weren't!" He threw his hands up in the air. He then planted his hands in his hips and looked at me. "How come you aren't at school yet? Aren't you one of those annoying nerds who are there before anyone?"

I was one of those nerds but not anymore because of you.

I stood up and dusted myself off. "I didn't want to go." I shrugged.

His eyes narrowed. "Let's go together then."

I glared at him. He had the audacity to ask me that dumb question. "No."

He sighed. "Malak you don't make any make any sense!"

"I don't even wanna hear this Amir. Now leave me alone." I spat out and began walking away. I was just going to go to work anyways.

He then stood right in front of me. "Malak, I'm taking you to school and that's final."

I raised my eyebrows in amusement. He was going to rule over me?! Oh hell no. "No you're not. And that's final." I poked his chest and it kinda hurt because it felt like my finger hit cement. I'm guessing he's also proud of his fit because he smirked.

"Don't hurt yourself." His eyes lit up with amusement.

I shook my head in frustration. When will this guy understand I'm not even interested in his ever being. "Listen Amir I don't know what tricks you have up your sleeve but they are ruining my life! How could you say we are together when we hate each other's soul."

Amir narrowed his eyes. "I don't hate you."

The look he was giving me was somehow making me nervous."Well you do."

"You'd love to think I do huh?" He smirked. "Malak it's okay if you're in love with me, because I know you are."

I was about rip off my hair but realized I was wearing a hijab and decided not to. Maybe I can rip his hair off.

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