Chapter 13

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Early update cuz it's Eid! Eid Mubarak!

Enjoy! Comment and vote! Thank you fellow readers!!

Btw anyone here a My Fair Lady Kong Shim fan?? Omg I love this show!(minah is a really good actress. Ahn Dan Tae!! (It's a k drama) (also watching this show during Ramadan was hard because Ahn Dan Tae was always eating😭)



It's horrid to see what's happening. I hope these unjust killings stop.


I felt like I just got slapped very hard by a seal. My jaw fell. "My husband? What are you talking about?"

Amir shrugged. "You're my fiancé."

"With who's permission?" He loves to just mess with my head.

"Mine." He proudly admitted.

"Yeah well I don't know how low your IQ is but that's not how marriage works." I explained with fire building up in my veins.

"I said future." He corrected simply. "It will happen."

"In your dreams." I rolled my eyes and proceeded to walk away, actually never mind that. I began running away, Amir was a psycho.

"Malak IS MY FIANCÉ!" Amir yelled out loud. I felt my whole entire being cringe. I then quickly turned around to take a quick look. Many students were gathered around him and he was explaining somethings. Many girls looked shocked but I didn't want to know why.


"What the hell Amir!" I was fuming and all I was seeing was red.

"Whaaat?" He said with annoyance.

"Are you okay!? I heard what you did today." I can't believed he confessed to Malak. If his dad hears this, we'll both be dead.

He raised a brow. "And?"

"AMIR!" I've never yelled at Amir, my throat hurt.

Amir jolted up. "Calm down! I do because I had to! I had to admit it. You know I don't hold back when I want something."

"Amir. Do you not know that your dad would be furious? And also Malaks parents won't be okay with your relationship. Don't act like you're blind." I tried to reason with him and help him realize what he's getting himself into.

"My dad is cool." I glared at him. "Sometimes?" He added.

He made me so angry. I know Malak doesn't even like him as a human. She hates his very existence. Amir was spoiled and he thinks he can get anything. I know Malak might be hurt but I was more afraid for Amir. She'll reject him for real and he'll go into deep despair.  Amir has fragile ego but what's worse is his feelings.

"Amir you'll end up getting hurt." I finally said. Amir looked up at me and sighed.

"You're right. I might end up getting hurt but I don't mind, because I really like her." Amir stood up and grabbed a towel. "I'm going to shower." He said over his shoulder and headed to the restroom.

I ran a hand through my hair. I let out a deep sigh, I was like a dragon breathing fire except I wasn't. But I wish I was.

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