We arrived at waffle house.

Chris ordered reservations so nobody wouldn't enterrup us.

We walked to our table and it was already a feast made with all the drinks we like.

We sat down and started grabbing plates.

"Ky are ya' prego" august asked me

That came out of nowhere.

I swallowed my food "I don't know,maybe,why?"

"Because who eats bacon wit' butta', even Brittney jus' started doing that" he said chuckling

"Well I don't know" I said "I'm going to the doctor in the morning" I sighed

"Mhmmmmm" august said eyeing Chris

"August" I said sternly "chill out"

"I'm chill"

"Babe are you going to eat your grits" Brittney said with a mouth full of food

"Ya' kno' what I'm ti'ed of yo' greedy ass" august said "it anotha bowl of grits right thea' " he pointed to a untouched bowl of grits.

"Well if you is prego, I'm gonna have two nieces or nephews" Mariah said

I smiled at her

"Daddy where do babies come from" royalty asked


"But uncle Aug said it comes out a va-"

"Royalty there goes Kevin Gates" I cut her off glaring at august

"Where"she said hopping up looking around

"August why would you tell her that" I whispered

"She asked"he shrugged

Once royalty realized it wasn't no Kevin gates she sat back down.

"So if mwommy have a baby"royalty started "does that means IMA be a big sister" she said excitedly

"Yes" everybody said

"Yayyyyyy" she cheered"IMA wuv ha" she still has trouble pronouncing certain words


"Kylie wialliams" I heard my name being called

Chris and I stood up following the nurse I'm the room.


"Congratulations Mrs. and Mr.Brown" the nurse said walking back in the room

"She's pregnant?" Chris asked

I gave him that really nigga look.

"Yes" the nurse responded"she's actually three months pregnant"

"A three a what!" I said

"You can come back in four weeks to see the gender. Make sure you avoid fried food and hot or spicy food" the nurse said

I sighed mad because I can't eat hot foods but happy.

"I know its a girl" Chris said once we reached the car

"You don't know that" I mugged

"Why you so mean"

"I don't know ask god" I sarcasted

He laughed

"Take me to Wendy's" I said

"No fried foods"

"But chicken nuggets ain't gone do nothing to me" I whined

Chris sighed pulling up I'm Wendy's.

"I want three six piece wings,large fry, and a large vanilla frosty"

Chris ordered mines and his food and when he pulled up to the window we put on a hat.

It will only be q couple of more chapters of this book then IMA do a time skip.

Check out my book 'when I saw him' it's a august alsina book.

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