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OK so I published my new book called 'when I saw him' it will be so much better than this one. The first chapter already started off with them meeting but I can't tell y'all no more. Please please please fo and read it you'll probably like it better.

This book will be coming to an end soon but there will be a sequal.


I sighed as I stepped on Chris doorstep. I knocked and royalty opened it in a white tank top,black short, and black and white Nike roshes.

"I'm already to go" she said

I walked in the house and seen Chris. He spoke and so did I.
I really love him to death but it is what it is.

At the nail shop

"They are so pretty" I told royalty. She got her nails and her feet painted and pretty peach colored and I got light nude.

"Thank you"

"Are you hungry?"


"OK were going to McDonald's"

"Yayyyyyyyyy" she cheered

Back at Chris house

We walked in Chris house and his eyes was blood shot red like he been smoking.

"Chris" i said "royalty ain't staying here with you while you're like this" "go pack yo clothes" I told royalty

She ran upstairs.

"Chris have you been smoking"

He nodded

"I don't want you smoking some may happen to you" I told him

He crashed his lips on kinds and I bit his causing him to jump.

"Chris oh my god" I gasped "have you been cutting yourself" I asked him examing his arm. I pulled his tank too over his head and they was all over his chest. They made him look sexier but the only cuts he should be putting on himself is the ones I make.


I looked at his back too see cuts over the stratches I made on his back.

"Chris go clean yourself up" I demanded

He went upstairs and 10 minutes later he came downstairs and he looked hella good. He had on a white fitted shirt with some jeans.

"Damn" I mumbled biting my lip.

"Kylie I love you so much" he spoke surprising me " I really"

I cut him off by running into his arms and kissing him. He grabbed my butt as we kissed deeper. The shape of it make his hands fit. He squeezed my butt before pulling away.

Something In This Liquor (Chris Brown Story)Where stories live. Discover now