Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:The Emerald Forest

No one's pov

Ruby was falling right toward them finally get Yang,Akame and Shana attention."Head's uuuuppp!!!"

Just as she about to hit the ground panicking,Jaune comes flying through the air and crashes into Ruby,knocking her and sending them both into a tree to the left of where Blake,Yang,Akame and Shana standing.Ruby was dazed by the rough landing.

"Did your sister just fall from the sky?"Blake asked.

"I..."Before Yang could continue,several crashing noise are heard in the forest ahead of them and an Ursa comes out,claws swiping,just as a pink blast of energy hits it in the back and it crashes to the ground depositing its rider.

"Yoooohaaa!!"A girl with short orange girl says.She got off the Ursa with a frown after that.

"Ah,It's broken..."She says as a Boy with a Black hair and stand of his hair is pink arrive behind her panting.

"Nora,Don't ever do that again.."
He says and when he looked at The girl named Nora,She disappear.

Nora looked at the Golden Rook Relic and take it while saying "I'm Queen of the Castle" a lot of time before the boy yelled "Nora!!"

Nora stopped and giggle "Coming Ren!!"

"Did that girl just ride on an Ursa?"
Blake asked Yang again.


Yang once again get interrupted once more as Pyrrha comes into the Scene with a Death Stalker on her tails.Pyrrha narrowly dodges its giant claws and keeps running away.



Ruby then standing up and looked below her "Whoa!!" She start running off of the branch and landing in roll.

Jaune saw and whining "Ruby!!"

Yang and Akame saw Ruby stands up and opened their arms "Ruby!!"

Ruby excited says "Yang!!Akame!!" She also raises her arms and was about to give her sisters a hug when Nora comes between them knocking their balance "Nora!!"

The Death Stalker continuing chasing Pyrrha who continuing running away from it.

"Did she just all her way here with a Death Stalker on her tail?"Blake asked again.

Yang getting angrier (Yangary no okay continuing your stories ) until she growl and erupts in a small burst of fire,Eyes turns Red "I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!CAN EVERYONE JUST CHILL OUT FOR TEO SECONDS BEFORE SOMETHING CRAZY HAPPENS AGAIN!?!?"

A two seconds passed and and Yang start to cooling down (Weiss down) Ren running beside Nora who beside Blake who looks up at the sky with Ruby as Akame and Shana looks beside them in confused.

"Um,Guys?"Akame says and points at the Tree beside them and shows Ruka and Luna running away from a Twins King Taijitu.

Yang thought.

"Um,Yang?Akame?"Ruby says and tugs on Akame's sleeve and point at the sky shows Weiss hanging on the Nevermore talon.

Weiss then shouted "How could you leave me?!"

Ruby then shouting out at Weiss
"I said JUMP!"

"She's gonna fall.."Blake says.

"She'll be fine.."Ruby says.

"She's falling..."Ren says.

Jaune finally got out from the tree and saw Weiss jumped from the Nevermore.He grin and catch her.

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