Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:The first Step part 2

No one's pov

Shana changes her Moonlight into a Gun:

and then landing at the land safely because she been shoot behind her for slow down her landing

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and then landing at the land safely because she been shoot behind her for slow down her landing.

She looked around and then running away.

Ruby landing and then dashed away while thinking 'Gotta find Yang!Gotta Find Akame!Gotta find (Shouting) "YANG!!!AKAME!!" (Thinking) Oh,This is bad,this is really bad...What if i can't find them?What if someone finds her first?Well,There's always Jaune.He's nice and he's Funny but i don't think he good with fighting.Well,There's Ruka,She is Fun,Funny to i never know her too long but we probably can get along.There's Luna!!She is calm,Quiet i don't think i will be able to hold a conversation with her.There's Also Shana!!!She's nice,Mysterious,Calm,She's also like Books!!There's Blake,She's Quiet,Mysterious!!She also like Book,But i don't think i will be able to hold a conversation with her too...Ugh!Okay,So there's Yang,Jaune,Akame,Ruka,Shana,Luna
aaaaand....'Ruby thought cut off when she and Weiss meets.

With Shana~

Shana was looking around when she heard a roar,She look on her left and saw 10 beowolves.

She point her gun at them and then shoot it.The beowolves dodge it and running toward her.

She sighed and doing a flip back until she got at the tree branches.
She shoot two beowolves and then a beowolf got at Shana back and hits her she fly across them and shoot at them countless time make just one beowolved left.

Shana was about to kill it when someone shoot the beowolf.The person appears from her hiding spot and it was Akame who smile when she saw Shana.

"Akame..."Shana says and then smirked.

"Hello,Shana...It's seems like we are partners now.."Akame says.

"Yep,Let's go find the relics...."
Shana says as Akame nodded.

With Luna~

Luna was walking around when Ruka got into her face.

"Ah!!"Luna says and was about to kick Ruka if she didn't dodge it.

"Sheesh relax,It's me..."Ruka says grinning.

"Oh,Ruka.How do you find me?"
Luna asked.

"I just follow my heart and jezz you sure is gone far from other people..."Ruka says as They two start to walking away.

"Hmp,I don't like a place with a lot of people..."Luna says.

"Hm...Hey,You and Weiss seems to ignore each other.Are you two fighting or something?"Ruka asked.

"Let's just says,Weiss never sees me as a Family member nor a friends...She says me like a monster..."Luna says.

"Huh?Why could she saws you that way,You two are sister..."Ruka says.

"We are different... I'm sorry,Ruka but i don't want to talk about this..not yet..."Luna says.

"Well,Okay.They me when you wants to i'm here by your side.."
Ruka says as Luna smile.

With Ozpin and Glynda ~

Professer Ozpin was watching the students on his scroll at the Beacon Cliffs overlooking the Emerald Forest when Glynda walks up behind him,holding her own tablet.

"The last pair has been formed,sir.(She tapped the screen and shows a Boy with a black hair with a single hair color pink with a girl with short orange hair) Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren.Poor boy...I can't possibly imagine those two getting along.Still He's probably better off than Pyrrha Nikos and Jaune Arc...."Glynda says.

"I think he's still not ready for this kind of battle nor Academy. Next we have Akame Xiao Long with Shana Himura.They seems Okay and do get along.Then,we have Luna Schnee and Ruka Akiyama.I felt bad for Miss Luna.Miss Ruka seems have a same personality as Miss Valkyrie.It's like Lie Ren and Nora Valkyrie but Ren kid as a Miss Luna,Anyway what are you do for the relics this year?Professer Ozpin?.."Glynda asked.

Professer Ozpin sighed as he looked at his tablet where Ruby and Weiss fighting.

With Blake And Yang~

Yang and Blake found a stone temple,broken and decrepit but for the platforms around its inside holding several Black and Gold Chess Pieces.

"Think this is it?"Yang asked and Blake only give yang a blank face before walked toward the stone temple with Yang follow behind her.

Blake then looked at the Black Chess king in confused."A Chess Pieces?"

"Some of them are missing so i guess we aren't the first one
here.."Yang says.

"Well,I guess we should pick
one.."Blake says.

With Shana and Akame~

Shana and Akame was walked around and saw a Back of the Stone Temple.

"Looks like we found it at last..."
Akame said.

"Don't let your guard down,There's maybe grimms somewhere around here..."Shana says.

"Relax,Shana.."Akame says and follow Shana who walked toward the Stone Temple.

When they got there,They found Yang and Blake there.

"Hey,Sis!!It's seems like You and Shana are a partner!Mine is Blake!!"Yang says.

"Yeah,It's a good thing i thought i could be a partner to a stranger.."
Akame says.

"Yang,What should we pick?"Blake asked.

Yang looked around and saw a Golden Knight and pick it up and shows it to the Blake "How about this cute little pony?"Yang asked.

Blake smirked and nodded "Sure"

"How about us?"Akame asked Shana who looked around the temple.

She saw a Golden Queen Chess and Takes it "How about this?"

"Perfect choice!!"Akame says.

"Well,This place isn't to hard to find..."Shana says smirking.

Then,Suddenly they heard a girly scream.Yang and Akame turns toward the direction of its source.

"Some girl in trouble!!"Yang says.

"Did you two heard that?"Akame asked.

Blake doesn't answer and staring something at the sky as Shana nodded.

"Blake did you hear that?What should we do?"She asked her partner.

A faint but growing louder scream of "Head's uuuuuuup!!" is heard.Ruby falls from the sky.


AN:Hello and Nice to meets you.Here the question:What does you opinion on RWBY team new outfit?

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