Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:The Shining Beacon

No one's pov

A girl with blonde hair and Lilac eyes hugged a girl with black-red hair and silver eyes with grin on her face.The blonde girl named is Yang Xiao Long a Older sister to the girl she hugged named Ruby Rose and a twin sister to a girl with black hair and red eyes named Akame Xiao Long.

"Oh,I can't believe our baby sister is going to Beacon with us!This is the best day ever!!"Yang says.

Ruby gasping "Please stop.."

Yang releasing her sister as Akame patted Ruby head "But We're proud of you..."Akame says and smile.

"Really sis Akame,It was nothing.."
Ruby says back.

"What do you mean?It was incredible!Everyone at Beacon going to think you're the bee's knees.."Yang says.

"I don't want to be the 'bee's knees',Okay?I don't want to be any kind of knees!I just want to be a normal girl with normal knees..."
Ruby says and looked down.

"What's with you?Aren't you excited?"Yang asked as Akame nodded.

"Of course,I'm excited... I just (sighing) I got moved ahead TWO years.I don't want people to think i'm special or anything..."Ruby says.

Then,Akame and Yang give a Ruby a one-armed hugs in each of her shoulder "But you ARE special..."
They says sync.

They attention are drawn to the a newscast on Vale News Network playing nearby,talking about the robbery and showing Roman's mug shot.

"The robbery was led by nefarious criminal Roman Torchwick,who continues to evade authorities.If you have any information about his wherebouts,please contact Vale Police Department.Back to you Lisa..."The reporter says and a Woman with Purple short hair shows up.

"Thank you,Cyril.In other news,This Saturday's Faunus Civil Rights protest turned dark when members of the White Fang disrupted the ceremony.The once peaceful organization has now disrupted..."

The news feed is cut off as hologram of Glynda replaces it.

"Hello and Welcome to Beacon.."
Glynda greeted.

"Who's that?"Yang asked.

"My name is Glynda goodwitch.."
Glynda says as Yang just 'Oh'

"You are among a privileged few who have received the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious academy!Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace,and as future Huntsmen and Huntresses,it is your duty to uphold it.You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task,and now it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and training to protect our world.."
The Glynda disappears.

Then,Ruby and other looked outside of the window of the aircraft."Oh,Wow!Look,You can see Signal from up here!I guess home isn't too far after all..."

"Beacon's our home,now.."Akame says and smile.

The two hear a boy with blonde boy groaning and hunched over nearby,running to the back of the aircraft.

"Well,I guess the view isn't for everyone..."Yang says and rolls her eyes.

"It was a nice moments while it lasted..."

Then,When they about to get out from the Aircraft a girl with blue green scaft and scar on left cheek bumped into Yang.

"Sorry..."The girl says and quickly goes away from them.

"Hm,She is weird..."Yang says.

"Says that to yourself..."Akame says

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