Chapter 2- Midnight Trip to IHOP

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I told him I was going to change and we would go out afterwards. I turned on the TV in my room and he watches it as I am in the bathroom, changing. At this point, it’s nearly 11 and I’m completely exhausted. I have work tomorrow, but sometimes it seems like you just need to have a little fun. I didn’t dress to look hot, or sexy, or anything of the sort. I just dressed to be me. That includes skinny jeans and a grey button up plaid shirt. I don’t attempt to look at myself in the mirror because I don’t feel like getting depressed, so I exit the bathroom after I change.

Being that flirt he was destined to be, he compliments me. “You look good”

I say thanks, but I bite my tongue the entire time, flattery will get him nowhere.

 “Where do you want to go?” he asks me.

I shrug, “you wanted to get drinks, but since I’m not legally allowed into bars, we might have to think of an alternative.”

He nods. “Is there a restaurant you like that’s open for table service at midnight?”

“Hmm,” since I’m not a partier, I don’t have much experience with things that late. “I have no idea other than fast food.” It takes a second for me to remember the only restaurant that would be open at midnight. “Wait, the International House of Pancakes!”

 “You’re not much of a partier, are you Alice?” he asks, chuckling at my excitement.

I shake my head.

“What’s it called, IHOP?”

            “Yeah, have you heard of it?”

“I might have on tour, but I’m not sure if I’ve had it. For being International they don't have one in the UK.”

“It’s okay; I haven’t had it in nine years anyways. But I am getting the smiley faced pancakes, my favorite from the last time I can remember.”


We pull up to the IHOP that’s about 5 miles from my house. The parking lot is pretty deserted, not surprising for it being around 11:15. Harry and I get a table by the window. From what I can tell, the only other couple seems to be a faux-hipster one that looks high as a kite eating a heap of french toast. Harry pulls out my chair, and again, I cringe.

Our waitress' name is Betsy. She looks around my age and wears a load of eye makeup, but she is voluptuous. She would probably be more of Harry's type if she didn't smell like smoke or look like a raccoon.

"What can I get you two to drink?" she asks, with a more southern drawl than I'm used to for so close to D.C.

"Coffee" Harry says, looking at me.

"Orange Juice" I tell Betsy, gosh it is too late for this.

"So you got to work tomorrow?" he asks me after she leaves to take our order.

"Yeah, 10-6. I'm guessing you are too."

He nods his head, "yeah, we have a concert at the Patriot Center at 7."

"Let me guess" I add, "you're leaving tomorrow after the concert for whatever place. Never to be seen again."

He nods his head. "We're going to New Jersey. But I'll be back here at some point."

The woman brings us our drinks and takes our orders.

"Do you like touring?" I ask, calculating his probable response.

"I mean, I love it" he says, taking a drink of his coffee. Pulling away quickly because it was too hot. "But sometimes I get really lonely." He begins to laugh, "that sounds really pathetic now that I think of it."

"No, I think I get it. You love doing what you do, but doing what you love can get really lonely, even when your surrounded by your friends."

He looks at me with those eyes, I can tell his eyes are green, I couldn't tell before. He looks at me with a realization as if I understand him. Which in reality, I don't think I do.

"You look tired" he utters, now looking into my eyes.

I blink at his words, I've never liked my eyes. To be quite frank, I despise them. "You know that's what a girl always wants to hear," sarcasm is my friend and I use it bitingly.

"I was just making an observation. You have pretty eyes."

"You've got to be kidding me."

"What?" He asks suprised.

"I don't have pretty eyes."

"Yeah, you do."

"Harry, I'm cross eyed" I add laughing.

"What?" he brings his head close to mine, our noses a few inches from each other. "Oh" he points to my left eye. It's somewhat inverted, looking closer to my nose. "That's not cross eyed, Alice."

"It's close to it."

"Why do you think your eyes are so 'hideous'?" His question seems genuine.

"I have strabismus, it's basically an eye condition where you have a lazy eye." 

"It's really not bad, Alice. I barely noticed before."

"Sorry" I say, "it's just one of those things I am incredibly self-conscious about."

"For  a long time people made fun of my third nipple, it made me pretty self-conscious too."

"So what courageous thing did you do to make you not so self-conscious?"

He shrugs, "A music video where I made fun of it, that way, no one else could.

"I can't really hide my problem under a shirt Harry."

"Yeah, but who cares. You're an attractive girl with a 'lazy eye,' it's not really an issue. Half the guys won't even care, the others are losers."

To that, I smile a little bit, it might have been what he said, or the shear fact he called me attractive.

The waitress comes with our food, I ordered the smiley face pancake and Harry got blueberry pancakes.

"This looks delicious" Harry says, he looks over at my food, "I should of got yours."

"I know" I break into a great smile- "you should have."

I take a huge bit and practically inhale the pancake.

"You must be hungry, Alice."

"I haven't eaten since 9," I check my phone, "yesterday morning."

I assist him in finishing his pancakes and he takes the check. We go to my car and he plugs his hotel information into the GPS. We shot bull the entire car ride until we pulled up to his hotel. We sat there for a moment, neither of us really talking. He looks at me, "I really like you, Alice."

"It was great to meet you, Harry."

"Can I have your number, in case I'm around here again."

"I don't have an International plan."


"I can give you my Facebook though. I mean, if you want."

"Yeah, that'd be great."

"I'm Alice Stern."

He quickly types my name into his phone and shows me the picture of me. "That's you right?"

I nod. "That's me, I check my phone to get the notification and I accept his request.

"Have fun at your concert today."

"You too, at work I mean."

He kisses my cheek and gets out of the car, "Don't go staring at too much yogurt when I'm away. You got that?"

I crack up, "As long as you keep your hands off those bananas."

"I will." He laughs and waves goodbye.

"Bye Harry."

"Bye Alice."

I watch him walk into the hotel, knowing he will be one one of those guys I'll never see again.

But we met once, I'm glad we did.

We Met Once- A Harry Styles FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now