Chapter 3- An Ordinary Life

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             I have to admit, for a while I couldn't stop thinking about him. He had gone off on tour and I'd never see him again, but I wished I would. I would dream about him, not much, but at the beginning, yes. I thought about messaging him on Facebook, but I figured he would have forgotten about me. At the conclusion of the summer, I spent countless hours at my job, thinking for some reason I'd see him through the window, but I never did. Every summer, spring, and winter break I would out the window, for years. At a certain point I kind of just gave up, I had to forget about Harry. He's one of those guys you'll only meet once. That was three years ago I met him.

             I attend New York University. I'm majoring in Film. I want to be a director, but I also enjoy screenwriting immensely. The University has given me great opportunities, including an assortment of internships and co-ops with different companies. My freshman year I had a co-op at a small indie film studio in Brooklyn during the school year. There I assisted with phone-calls and whatever else they needed done on set. I'd sometimes hold the boom or manage a camera, it didn't pay, but was great experience. I continued with that internship into the first semester of my sophomore year until I was accepted as an intern for NBC. I didn't get to do any of the actual film work, but I did get exposure in the industry.  

           It's the summer and yet again, I'm vacuuming the dojang floor again. Aiden doesn't work at taekwondo anymore, but he takes the adult classes. He's now working at a law office, preparing for the Bar Exam. I'm close to getting my third degree black belt at this point, but I won't test for it until July after my senior year since I'll be interning at a film studio during the test this year. Aiden got his third degree in March, I actually came down to see it. I also saw him graduate from law school. We've been dating since the summer after my freshman year in college.

           He only comes to taekwondo to see me since he's been preparing non-stop for the Bar in a few weeks. When I am at college, he'll visit me on the weekends and we explore the city. I love Aiden, I really do.

          The door closes as the last person finally leaves the dojang. Aiden looks at me with those eyes and I stop the vacuum. I unplug it and roll it up. He wraps his arms around me and begins kissing my neck. "Wait" I tell him. I roll the vacuum into the back room and he follows me into it, closing the door behind him.

            "I love you, Alice" he says, his voice seductive in the cute, awkward boy way.

            "I love you too, Aiden" I answer, falling into his arms.

            We begin kissing, not first crush kissing, real kissing. Honestly, it's awkward, but I enjoy it. Soon I untie his belt and take off his dobak top. He does the same for me. His hands touch the small of my back and moves to my sports bra. His back is sweaty, but mine is too. At a point it gets too explicit to share. All I can say is that is the first time I've given myself to anyone. Aiden's my first real love, and he told me he wouldn't pressure me until I was ready. That was three years ago, he waited three years for me.

          When we leave the studio, it's around 10:30. This is the last adult and teen class I'll teach until I go to my new internship. It's a great experience for me, I'm interning at BBC for a month in London! I leave Saturday morning. We kiss for a few minutes by his car, but I need to go home. I still live at my dad's house since I'm in college and I'm not here for long enough to get an apartment. I walk to my car and drive home.

         I get home and put my bag down in the mudroom. It's around 11 now, but my dad's still up, sitting by the fireplace. "Hi Ali" he says, looking up from his book.

         "Hi dad"

        He waves over at me, and motions for me to sit down. "I'm gonna miss you Ali." "I'm gonna miss you too dad," I tell him, looking over at him. "No, Ali, you know I'm really proud of you." "Thanks dad" "You just take your ideas and run with them, that's one of the things I love about you." I smile at that. He continues, "Now, I want you to have fun in London," he cracks a smile, "But don't have too much fun in London. I know how you are suckers to those British accents."

         I smile at him and kiss him on the top of the head, "Don't worry, Dad. Those Brits got nothing on me," and I walk away.

         "Goodnight, Ali"

         "Goodnight, Dad"


       I leave for London today, I would be excited, but at the moment I'm drowning in my own sorrows. I know, pathetic. Yesterday, Aiden told me he didn't want to be with me anymore. He says I go away too much and live too far away. He told me he loved me, but he had to move on.

        Of course he would wait for the night before I leave to break up with me, he got what he wanted two days before. I don't regret what we did, but I feel like he used me. I've tried for years to balance the tight-rope of dating without getting attached. I was mostly successful until now, I loved him, I really did.

        I sit at the terminal for the 10 o'clock flight to London. It's about an eight hour flight, which at the moment, I dread. It'll give me too much time to think, and I seem to overanalyze everything. I should arrive to London around 11 pm thanks to the time change, so I'll be staying at a hotel for the night. My stuff for a moth is in my two suitcases, one carry-on and one checked bag. I sent the essential living things up via UPS that should be at my apartment when I get there.

         The woman calls for me to board my plane, I'll probably start thinking too much. There's no way I can sleep on the plane.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Oct 22, 2013 ⏰

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