Chapter 1

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“Mummy, there’s a dragon sitting on our veranda,” called Emma from the front steps.

Sitting in a sunny alcove near the kitchen, twelve year old Kate Dawson rolled her eyes and looked up at her mother.

Jacqui Dawson continued to spread chocolate icing over the top of a freshly baked cake. Kate returned her gaze to the book in her lap, ignoring her half-sister’s outburst. She only managed to read a couple of words when her mother’s voice interrupted.

“Emma’s only five, Kate.”

Kate remained silent. The warmth of the sun through the window making her feel sleepy, she watched her mother sprinkle finely chopped almonds across the top of the cake. Their eyes met. She knew what was coming before her mother spoke.

“Please go and see what she’s talking about.”

Kate sighed and snapped the book shut. “Mum, do I have to? It will only be something stupid.”

Her mum raised an eyebrow. “Yes, you do.”

Kate wanted to slam the book onto the low table beside her and storm out, but she knew that reaction would only get her into trouble. Instead, she let the book slip into the crease of the soft cushions and walked out calmly.

Outside, Emma sat on the top step with one hand pressed over her mouth. The other hand clasped one of their two kittens, Jasper, tightly in her lap. Kate looked around and saw nothing to indicate a dragon was anywhere near. The shrubs were tall and green, not squashed into the dirt as would be expected if a dragon came to visit. The flowers smelt sweet, the opposite of what she suspected the odour of a dragon would be like. Kate wasn’t surprised by either of these things. She didn’t expect to find a dragon, just like she didn’t expect to see half the things her little sister claimed to see.

Kate stood with her hands on her hips. “Where’s the dragon, Emma?”

Emma bobbed up and down, obviously trying to be quiet. Jasper meowed as he tried to free himself from the little girl’s clutches. “Shh, you’ll scare it away.”

Kate wasn’t sure if Emma was talking to her or the cat.

Emma pointed at the rocks in the garden, a huge smile lighting up her face. “It’s right there, sunbaking.”

Taking a step closer, Kate squatted down in time to see the long, scaly tail of a tiny lizard disappear behind a rock.

“Oh, you scared it,” Emma said, a pout taking the place of the smile. Jasper leapt out of Emma’s arms and ran into the ferns to hide with his sister, Sophie.

Kate shook her head. “It’s only a lizard, Emma. Not a dragon.” Anger bubbled up inside her. When would Emma stop telling these stupid stories? “You shouldn’t make things up all the time. It’s annoying. I was trying to read.”

“What’s all the shouting about? What’s going on with my girls?” a deep voice called from the driveway.


Emma jumped onto the grass and ran into her father’s arms, while Kate sighed once again.

“Where’s my hug?” Joe Dawson picked Emma up and swung her around, making Emma scream with delight. She threw her arms around his neck and pressed her cheek hard against his. Their blond hair mingled, indistinguishable. Laughing, he walked up the steps and held his free hand out to Kate. “Do I get a hug from my big girl too?”

Oh, please!

Turning away, Kate rushed inside, grabbed her book and fled to the back yard.

The Land of Miu (Land of Miu, #1, 2nd ed.)Where stories live. Discover now