Chapter 7

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 “... and she is not happy,” said Alara.

Kate stared at the giant spider in horror. Never in her twelve years had she seen a spider this big. It was unnatural. Eight furry legs stretched across the width of the tunnel. Four pairs of beady eyes glared at them from a small head, the large sack-like abdomen at the back almost touched the tunnel roof.

Yet it was the enormous fangs that terrified Kate the most. They were huge and easily as thick as Kate’s wrist.

Someone grabbed her dressing gown and dragged her backwards.

“Come on, Kate,” urged Siptah.

The urgency in his voice broke the spell. Kate turned and ran. She noticed that Alara and Emma were already a good distance ahead of them. They turned a corner and for a moment Kate could still see a dim light from their torch. Then it was gone.

A chilling hiss almost made Kate fall over. It came from the spider. Kate looked over her shoulder to find the spider’s body vibrating, and the black and orange bristles on its legs rubbing together. The hissing got louder and louder.

Kate’s heart raced.

Siptah shoved her forward. “Run, Kate. It is going to attack,” he shouted. “Run ... faster.” He struggled to breath and talk. “We ... have to ... reach ... the next ... cavern.” A pause. “Not her ... territory.”

Kate tried to run faster. Her breath came in short gasps. Her heartbeat went wild. The foot wraps allowed her feet to grip the surface, but her muscles strained under the effort. She battered her hands against the walls trying to keep her body upright. Yet her legs refused to go any faster.

The hissing stopped. There was an awful moment of silence, and then a loud scurrying sound filled Kate’s ears. Something scraped against the walls.

She could hear Siptah’s heavy breathing. She could feel his presence right behind her. It helped to spur her on. They ran along the tunnel.

The scurrying and scraping grew louder. Louder. It gained on them.


Tears sprang to her eyes. “I can’t.”

“You must.”

Her chest tightened. She needed air in her lungs. She gasped. A pain stabbed at her side. Siptah’s boots pounded on the ground behind her. The torch barely gave off enough light.

Siptah grunted.

Kate stopped and looked back, one hand resting on the cold stone beside her to keep herself steady. The huge spider was right behind Siptah. Its fangs dripped with venom. Clawed segments reached out to grab him, but he was too fast. He clambered to his feet, and pushed Kate into motion. They continued to run.

Suddenly the tunnel opened out into another cavern. She caught sight of the torch as it flew past her and landed amongst a cluster of rocks.

Kate stopped and spun around, gasping for breath.

With the light from yet another Fire Well, Siptah no longer needed the torch. But he did need a free hand for a more important object - his axe. He turned to face the spider.

“No!” Kate doubled over in pain. “No, Siptah. Don’t.”

The spider reared up, towering over Siptah. He thrust his spear and then raced forward. The spear fell short of its mark.

A grey mass of what looked like vomit spurted out of the fangs. Venom. Siptah jumped to one side, grabbed the spear from the ground and threw it again. This time, it penetrated a segment of leg. Siptah twisted around and ran at the spider again. He yanked the spear free and retreated.

The Land of Miu (Land of Miu, #1, 2nd ed.)Where stories live. Discover now