Chapter 21

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"Wake up princess." For a couple of days, Max has been nothing but sweet. I let out a tiny cough. He helps me get into a sitting position before giving me my breakfast. I quickly eat my food and go take a shower.

Max went to the nursery to help out with our babies. Our? Well I guess you could say that. I headed out to the training field with Zach. He has been teaching me more fighting techniques. My wolf has been getting stronger and more protective over the little ones.

Aiden went back to his pack so very reluctant but I didn't give a fuck. Isabelle was training with some female wolves. I couldn't really focus so my ass was handed to me by Zach. "Is something wrong Serenity?" I shook my head.

"I'm just tired. Max is a great step dad." He smiled and laughed. I couldn't help but laugh with him. We finished training and went to the kitchen. I made some ramen noodles. I quickly ate that then I went to my room. Max was in bed asleep. My heart felt light just looking at him. The other pack members felt weird having him here but they accepted him as part of the pack.

I quickly took a shower, got dressed then I left to go to the game room. Like always, a few teenage pups were playing video games or something. I joined in and beat their butts.

It was extremely cute to see their hurt looks. My head began to feel light but I just continued on. I felt Max wrap him cold arms around me. "How was your day?"

"It was fine, how was yours?" He shrugged. I turned around and kissed his cheek. The others cheered or made sick faces. I took his hand and led him back to our room. It was a strange feeling to have a loving mate.

"I have to tell you something." Don't tell me he's just like Aiden? My heart sped up. He gave me a reassuring smile, "It's nothing like that. I promise." I let out a breath of air. "I'm the vampire kings son." Wow moon goddess. "My father doesn't know that I am alive. He was the one who tried to kill me." I nodded my head. Grandma walked into my room with her head down.

She lifted her head only to let a couple of tears out of her eyes. "Your mom and dad is back." I ran down the stairs. Sitting on the couch was mom holding Zachs kids while dad and Zach hugged. Grandma was happy seeing mom. For the next hour or so we decided to "bond" even though I knew that they were alive.

I pulled mom aside. "Where is Kyle?"

"He's coming dear." The door bell rang. "That's him sweetie." I saw Zach open the door and let Kyle in. Kyle and Zach looked at each other before Kyle spoke.

"Hey I'm Kyle, your half brother." Mom gave Kyle a really big hug. Zach just stood there with his mouth wide open. Haha this is so freaking funny. A girl about my height walked over to Kyle. She had light blonde hair with brown highlights. The girl had baby blue eyes with a cute button nose.

Kyle snapped his head to the girl. It could only mean one thing. "Mate." Sweet baby potatoes. I fist pumped the air. Mom hugged the girl while dad just gave him a pat on the back. So now we all just have to wait for Blake to find his mate. Max introduced himself to my parents. They were both shocked.

If only you could have seen the looks on their faces.

A/N: I know this is really, really, really short. I was gonna right some more yesterday but I broke up with my boyfriend yesterday. Sorry for not being able to update it yesterday or the 4th. I love y'all and I hope you have an amazing day.

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