Chapter 6

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Chapter Six

"Serenity, do you want to go to the werewolf school to finish this year?" I knew what school he meant. Every teenage wolf was allowed to go to the werewolf school in the Blue Moon pack. There's a chance that I might get kidnapped.

Zach looked at my nervous eyes. "As long as I can be hidden."

"I'll have to get something for your scent." I nodded and watched him leave. My thoughts drifted to Blake. I couldn't help but feel worried. Blake was forced to go back. I want to help him. I can't keep a grudge unless it has to do with Nicky.

I was relieved as soon as Zach handed me a bottle of pills that hid my natural scent from others. "Thanks," I put the pills in my sweat pants pocket.

"Isabella will take you shopping once she's out of the shower." He looked behind him before leaning closer. "Take this and don't tell her I gave you this." A little bottle of mace was dropped into my hands. "She hates the smell of this."

"I hate the smell of what?" Isabella pushed Zach out of her way. She looked down and nodded. "Indeed, I do hate it. But since she's going back there then it's good that you gave it to her." Zach sighed a breath of relief.

Isabella picked up her keys and we left. We decided to go to a human shop. The different smells over powered my nose. I became increasingly nauseous. "Why does it have to smell so strongly?"

"Cover your nose it helps me from time to time." I covered my nose. It did help a little bit. "We're here," I looked up at the sign. Moonlight hair and beauty salon. We walked in and I took a deep breath. I couldn't smell most of the things from earlier.

"Hey Isabella," a short blonde woman walked up to the store front.

"Hey Marlene," they shared a quick hug. "This is my little sister Serenity. I made a hair appointment earlier." I glanced around at the pictures. There were so many hairstyles. I even saw some nail pictures.

"Come this way," we followed her to the back. I was given a black cape and Marlene started the transformation. I kept quiet as Isabella and Marlene talked about life. It honestly was a new experience for me. I've never really been able to have conversations like this.

"Do you want to do a ombre or just straight up color?" I contemplated the options. I really liked the ombre I saw in the store front.

"I really like the black and red ombre I saw earlier."

"That's the one I did for Isabella's coronation."

"It turned out super pretty. How about you get some extentions to match as well?"

"Okay," I finally joined in their conversation. I think I may have a new friend.

"How about I get Venus to do your nails?" I agreed to get my nails done as well. I chose some black and grey coffin nails. Even Isabella got her nails done. Our trip to change my appearance turned into another bonding trip.

Isabella and I carried all of bags to the car and left. "That's when I told your brother I was pregnant." I couldn't hold in my laughter. "He looked as white as a ghost. I've never seen anyone that pale before."

I grabbed my bags once we got out. "I would love to see his face when you tell him when you're pregnant after this little one is born." Isabella bent over and laughed harder.

"I see that she told you." I looked up to see Zach and Taylor.

"Hey," Taylor nodded at me. If only I was his mate. I looked away with a tiny blush. He's so good looking that it hurts.

"We spotted Aiden again. For someone who rejected you he sure doesn't show it. Well, how was the trip?" Isabella told him everything. I put my stuff away and headed to find them. This is a good thing. It will be all worth it once I graduate.

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