Chapter 11

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The feeling of Aiden's warm and muscular arms made me not want to get up. His arm moved off of me as if I burned him. "Shit, not this again." He pulled me into his arms and ran to the bathroom. A shark pain racked through my body making me double over and scream in agony.

The pain was ten times as worse than last time. I hadn't noticed that I was in the tub until he wetted a rag with cold water and put it on my head. "I-It hurts s-so-o much." He held my hand tightly. Tears ran down my face.

"I know babe. Just hold on okay. The doctor is on his way." Heat and pain took turns racking through my body. To me it felt like hours but it actually was about ten to fifteen minutes. Dark spots appear in my vision. I hadn't notice that Aiden left me to get the doctor. The doctor gently picked up my arm.

The doctor gave me a shot of the stuff he used the one time. My pain went away and things became clearer. "When you marked her and didn't finish she went into heat. Judging from her blood samples she wasn't supposed to go into until next week. Your mark speed it up since you are of alpha blood." Oh, well, that kind of explains some things.

Aiden nodded his head in understanding. "Thanks." The doctor said his goodbyes and left. "How do you feel?"

"Besides the pain, fuzziness, and being in heat, I'm just great." My sarcasm came out more of a joke than sarcasm. "Sooner or later I'm going to knocked up with pups, awesome." He helped me out of the tub into the bedroom.

"Stay here, I'll go get you some dry clothes." Relief etched it's way on his face as I laid down.

"It's not like I can go anywhere." Why did you do this moongoddess? Ciara scoffed in annoyance. I guess she didn't like this heat thing either.

He came back about a few minutes later with one of his large t shirt with a pair of my underwear. No bra though. I frowned at him. Males, you gotta love them. Aiden helped me put on the shirt and underwear.

After changing clothes he pulled me into his side. His steady heartbeat calmed my nerves. Before I could even noticed I feel asleep. Light shown through our bedroom window. I just said our room and meant it. Aiden's huskey morning voice woke me up completely. "Wake up babe."

Immediately I jump on him. I feel way to hormonal today. "Guess what?" He looked up at me. The questioning look in his eyes told me he already knew. "Never mind." We broke out laughing but then I stopped. Oh no. I ran into the bathroom.

Aiden walked in the bathroom behind me. "Do you need me to get the doctor?" I shook my head. I felt little cramps in my lower stomach. He sniffed the air for a few seconds. I followed his lead.

His face feel as he checked me for any signs of blood. "Woah, I'm on my cycle." Aiden didn't look so sure of that. He swept my feet from under me and carried me to the pack doctor.

The pack doctor looked shocked seeing us again. He led us to one of the hospital rooms. "Please lay her there." Aiden laid me on the very uncomfortable bed. "What seems to be the problem?"

"I started my cycle and Aiden started to freak out." I sighed as the doctor checked me out from head to toe. The doctor, Eric, smiled.

"Everything is alright. Luna Serenity started her cycle. There is nothing to fear." When doctor Eric said fear he shuddered.

As we walked back Aiden asked me some questions like what my favorite color is, favorite food, etc. He opened the door for me. I headed to the kitchen to make breakfast. But Aiden beat me to it. He made eggs, bacon, and pancakes. We ate in silence then we watched some tv. Rogue alert. Rogues are surrounding the pack. Blake announced through the pack link. Aiden and I jumped into action. "Stay here Serenity. I don't want you to be hurt."

"To bad. I'm gonna help whether you like it or not." He huffed as we went to Blake. "How many rogues are there?" Blake scratched his head.

"Our estimate would be about 100 to 130. More are on their way as we speak." Blake and Aiden started to talk about battle strategies as I got all of the pack warriors assembled. Blake told the pack warriors the plan. They nodded and got to their posts.

Aiden wrapped his arms around my waist. "If anything happens I want you to know that I love you." I smiled at his words.

"I love you too. I'm going to get the mothers and pups into the safe house. I'll be back." We separated. I ran as fast as I could. The mothers held onto their children. "Okay everyone, follow me to the safe house." They all lined up with their children. I led them to the safe house. It was a big metal type house. I pushed open the door for the women and kids. After I closed the door I bolted the door.

Ciara started to pace back and forth. "We need to run. NOW!" A dark brown, blood crusted rogue jumped me from behind. The rogue had me pinned face to the ground. I shifted under the wolf and managed to kick him/her off. I stood up in time to see him/her lunge at me.

I clawed at the wolf as it landed on me again. I flipped the wolf over and pinned it. "Nice one Serenity." A twig snapping made me turn my wolf head. Three other blood crusted rogues jumped me. My head hit the ground and I blacked out.

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