Chapter 5

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Chapter Five

"LET ME OUT!" My hands were sore from trying to bend the bars. Little droplets of blood dripped from my hands onto the ground. My voice sounded weak and rough. I was kept here for god only knows. The only visitors were Aiden and Alpha Derek. I asked about Blake but no one told me anything.

I sat on the cot with my knees folded to my chest. If I stay here any longer I'll go insane. I quickly stood up as I heard someone coming. Again I went back to the bars. Aiden walked into view.

I slid down the bars and faced my cot. He'll never let me out. I heard some keys dangling as they unlocked my prison doors. I turned my head from the cot to Aiden. His angry face made me hide mine in my knees. My life is in danger and I can't do anything about it.

"Look at me," his voice held anger. I refused to look at him. I could feel Aiden kneeled down in front of me. My arms wrapped around my legs making me feel a little protected. Nothing could make me feel anymore comfort.

"Leave me alone." I hoped my voice came out strong. I looked him in his eyes. But from the look on his face, it must have sounded weak. "Please, just leave me alone." I hated the way he looked at me.

"You are going to have to respect your new luna." Aiden trembled from anger. "Be grateful that I'm even allowing you to live." Blake came in with anger on his face. Great, now I have an angry brother and an angry ex-mate. Thank you moon goddess for fucking up my life. Blake pushed Aiden out of the way. "What the fuck is your problem?"

"Right now it's you. No one should have to respect that whore." Blake gave me a hand. I stood up to walk next to Blake as I was released from the jail cell. I kept my head down as I passed all of the other pack members. I quickly ran to my room once we got back.

I slid down my door until I was sitting down with my head in my hands. My heart was shattered. There's no word to describe how much pain I felt. I just want to die so I can't feel this anymore. No one should have to feel like this. Something heavy sat on the other side of the door. From the other scent, it was Blake. I couldn't take the pain anymore so I passed out.

I woke up to pounding on my door. I got up and opened my door. "Breakfast is ready when you are." He walked down the hall. I closed the door. On my bed was pj's so I grabbed them and took a shower.

After my shower, I got dressed. I looked at myself in the mirror. My reflection looked like crap. During my shower, I cried my heart out again. My eyes look like I smoked some weed. My color faded to an almost deathly pale. All I had to do was elongate my canine teeth and get angry to look like a vampire. I softly chuckled at my joke. The ones in stories look like that. I looked down at my choice of clothing.

My pj's consisted of gray plaid pants, a sleeveless t-shirt that said 'you & I are meant to be xxx', and a black pair of hello kitty house shoes with a red bow. Mom got these pj's for me when I just turned fifteen. I miss my mom and dad. My brother must've picked these out before I got released. I gave one last sigh making my way out of my bathroom. Oh, how I wished everything could go back to the way things were before any of this happened. Before all of the abuse.

Times were much simpler. Dad would take Zach and Blake camping. Mom would take me to visit relatives from different packs. Every night we would roast marshmallows and make popcorn as we watched the stars. I use to have friends that would love to come over. Some friends they are now.

I went downstairs and eat my breakfast in silence. Breakfast was french toast, biscuits, bacon, egg, and sausage. I'm surprised Blake could be so considerate. Blake sat next to me and eat as well. Once I was finished I cleaned up the house. Our doorbell rang while I was cleaning the windows. I ignored Aiden standing there. "Who is it?"

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