Chapter 8

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The smell of lavender and freshly cut cedar wood made my mouth water a little bit. The smell came from next to me. Something tingly wrapped around my waist. I turned over on my left side and snuggled against the warmth it provided. I sighed in content.

The tingly thing was so warm. It pulled me closer. Everything froze for a second. Why do I feel tingling? But most importantly, why am I cuddling up next to someone? I opened my eyes to see Aiden smiling down at me. "Uh, hi." I pushed at his arm in an attempt to get free. "Can you release me, please?" He shook his head.

"I like this position too much." He pushed me on my back. I sat up but sadly Aiden pushed me back down with him on stop of me. "Actually, I like this position more." Aiden said in a husky voice. I looked at what Aiden was wearing. He had on a pair of pj shorts and no shirt. I didn't know what to do, I paused. Slowly he lowered his head to mine.

Aiden was between my legs with his forehead touching mine. Aiden sensually moved his hands down my sides. I shivered at his touch on my sides. His hands stopped above the hem of my pj pants. We stared into each others eyes for what felt like forever. I leant up to kiss him. Our lips almost met.

Zach poured ice cold water on me. I jumped out of bed landing on my butt. "What the heck Zach?!" I looked up and saw that Zach was laughing. "You could have just knocked." Zach had tears in the corner of his eyes from laughing so much.

"Man that was funny. The look on your face was priceless." Zach wiped at the tears. "I came to get you for training. Today you'll be training with the other teens. I think you could teach them a few things." I stood up and walked to my dresser. I grabbed my stuff, got dressed, and followed Zach to the training grounds. A couple of teens were stretching and some were on their phones.

The instructor was none other than Zach. During training, I was in the back. About two or three teens talked to me. I managed to keep up with the pace. It wasn't really strenuous. Training finished around lunchtime.

We walked back to his mansion. I walked passed Zach and Isabella to the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator and downed it with three gulps. I grabbed four more bottles and downed them too.

"Lunch will be done soon," Isabella said. I headed to my room. What was that dream about? I'm supposed to be angry not dreaming about having sex with that jerk. I turned my phone on about to check my messages when she called for me.

I grabbed some plates and some cups. Isabella placed each sandwich down on the plates. I quickly ate and went back up to my room. I checked my phone. I had five texts from Aiden. Each text was about him coming to get me. I grabbed a plain pair of blue skinny jeans, and a grey shirt with a blue bowed Minnie Mouse.

I hopped into the shower and turned the water all the way hot. There was something about hot water that I just love. It soothed my sore and aching muscles in my shoulders, arms, legs, and back. I watched the sweat and grime flow down the drain. The events of my dream played through my mind.

It felt so real. His eyes held so much lust that it gave me a warm feeling. I was able to get my soon to be mate to look at me with something more than hate. My thoughts were interrupted by my phone. I stepped out of the shower and checked my phone. Speak of the devil and he shall appear.


"Hey, beautiful." I rolled my eyes at being called beautiful. His laugh sounded over the other end of the speaker. "I had the strangest dream last night." I kind of started to get nervous.

"What did you dream about?" I anxiously asked.

"We were cuddling. Then I pushed you on your back." I sharply inhaled. "You sat up.." I coughed.

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