Chapter 15

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Aiden walked over to me. We looked at each other. Love, passion, fear and most of all protection showed in his eyes. "I'm taking Serenity back to our house." Kyle shook his head.

"It's safer if everyone stayed here." I nodded in agreement but stopped.

"But what about your father? Does he even know where this place is?"

"No. I never let him know where I live." We all nodded. Aiden pulled me up. He sat in my spot and pulled me into his lap. Kyle smiled in satisfaction as he saw me and Aiden. He turned away. "Dad doesn't know this but I can shift." This took me by surprise.

Mom and dad have really huge smiles on their faces. I stood up with the help of Aiden and Kyle. "I can show you when we get to the indoor training room." Aiden picked me up bridal style.

"You do know that I can walk on my own." Aiden laughed but held on tighter. Blake, mom and dad followed us as Kyle led the way. As soon as we got there Aiden set down on my own feet. I felt somewhat wobbly but I got over that quickly. "Thanks babe." He looked shocked as I said babe.

I looked back see Kyle close his eyes. Slowly brown and grayish/silver fur replaced some of his skin. In a matter of seconds his clothes were torn in shreds as a wolf stood in his place. Kyle looked at us with worried wolf eyes. Mom looked proud of him while dad walked to him.

"Dad wha-," Aiden stopped me. Aiden and Blake also walked to Kyle. "Mom what are they doing?" Mom was about to speak but closed her mouth. Within that moment I understood what they were doing. They were excepting him into the pack. I walked closer to Kyle. Kyle backed away just a little until he felt that we weren't going to hurt him.

"I, Aiden Seymor, accept you Kyle...."

Kyle shifted back into his human form. "My last name is Black."

"Aiden started over, "I, Aiden Seymor, accept you, Kyle Black into my pack and into my family." Aiden bit into his wrist and cut Kyle's wrist with one of his elongated nails. Aiden took Kyle's wrist and put them together. I felt a slight pressure then I felt another bond. My mom, dad, Blake, and I looked so happy. Kyle yawned just a little bit due to his new connection. "Welcome to the family bro." We all did a group hug then went back to being serous. "Now we need to make a plan."

After many hours later, we finally made up a plan. "Are you sure that this will work?" I felt nervous. They were willing to put my mom out there as bait. Kyle was rubbing a hand down my back making me feel a little better.

"I sure sweetie. Nothing will happen to me." Mom walked over to me. She was still the same woman that gave birth to me. "Nothing will go wrong especially with your father and brothers here." We all shared a look of fear, confidence, and determination. "Now we can go home and pretend that nothing ever happened."

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