Chapter 9

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"Ahhhh!" I sat straight up in my bed. Sweat poured down the side of my face. Zach barged into my room. He was ready for a fight. I was breathless due to that weird dream. Zach ran over to me. He looked me over from head to toe. Zach didn't rest until he was sure that I was fine.

"Why did you scream?" He had a confused look on his face. I scooted closer to Zach. He sensed my discomfort and sat down next to me.

"I had th-" Isabella ran in with a baseball bat, mace, and a knife. She glanced around the room. She lowered her weapons but kept them by her.

"Did I miss anything?" She sounded disappointed but with a hint of excitement. Zach shook his head. "Oh, then why did you scream?" She sat down on the bed.

"I was telling Zach but you interrupted." I took a deep breath to calm down. "The dream was about Aiden and Blake kidnapping me. At first, I thought that it was real. In the dream, I woke up in Aiden's arms." They exchange glances knowingly. It made me wonder what that meant. "We were talking until he got all touchy."

Again with the exchanging look thingy. I got all nervous. What did their glances mean? "You probably won't like this but the mate bond is strengthening." Totally wasn't expecting that little tidbit of information. "Continue with your dream."

A blush crept its way on my face. "Aiden was kissing and sucking on my neck. Blake walked in talking about a party. We broke apart. They started wrestling. Blake left and Aiden wanted to finish." I tugged at my shirt. It was the same one from the dream. "I told him after the party. He agreed to after the party." I paused trying to think. "I took a shower. He had my stuff moved to his house. I got dressed in this exact thing that I'm wearing right now. We were about to leave when he stopped me. I wasn't really paying attention to much. Aiden got down on one knee and he proposed to me."

The collar of my shirt irritated me so I moved it. Zach's eyes widen as he looked at my neck. Something was off about this whole thing. Isabella also looked at my neck. Her reaction was weird. She was mad, sad, then back to mad. "Go and check out your neck in the mirror." I jumped out of bed to check.

I turned on the bathroom light. Talk about hickeys. It slowly but surely processed in my brain. I screamed my head off. "WHY IS A HICKEY ON MY NECK?!" I walked back in there with them.

"Well, I think the moon goddess is doing this." Zach put his 'I'm thinking' face on. I was shocked, scared, and mad. No scratch that. Pissed off is more like it. "I'll check this out later. Let's get back to sleep. Goodnight." They left my room. Why moon goddess, what did I do? My phone went off knocking me out of my question stage.

I didn't bother checking the caller I.D. "Hello?"

"Please tell me we weren't dreaming." Aiden sounded kind of mad.

"We were dreaming. Crazy dream, right?" I tried to laugh. It came out pathetic. He sighed really loud. "Guess what? I got freaking hickeys on my neck. SO uncool." Aiden let out a chuckle.

"That's not the only place I'll leave them. Plus there will be more than just hickeys." His words had me blushing.

"Whatever and goodnight." I hung up and laid down on my bed. The dream popped back into my head. I fell asleep thinking about it.

Zach poured water on me. "Get up lazy. Training starts in twenty." He left before I could retaliate. I showered then got dressed. I always stay at the back of the training classes. People try to become my friend. I declined every time. I just couldn't fully trust people.

Training was the same. After training, I ran to the woods. Ciara was clawing at me. I stripped, put my clothes in the tree and shifted. Ciara howled in joy. It has been ages since I let her out. I padded over to a small creek. The creek was located in the middle of Zach's pack and alpha Derek's pack. I hadn't noticed that Aiden showed up. He pounced on me in his wolf form. I knew it was him when I felt the sparks.

That idiot pushed me on my back. Aiden had pinned my front paws. I whined in irritation. He put his nose in my fur. I shifted back to my human form under him. "Get off of me Aiden," he complied. I took a deep breath. Never have I ever seen him this compliant with what I said. He cuddled his head on my lap. "Dude, I'm naked." I guess he doesn't mind.

I petted his wolfs midnight black fur. It was warm and so soft. Aiden stood back up to shift. He shifted in front of me. "Let's finish this mating thing."

"First, you have to catch me. Second, you have to woo me. Then we can mate." I didn't give him a chance to answer as I shifted. I ran back to Zach's pack. I shifted back and got dressed. I ran inside to eat lunch. "I'm going to take a shower and go back to the woods."

"What got you in such a good mood little sister?"

"Oh, nothing. I thought maybe I could train a little bit more. After all, I'm trying to get stronger. Also, I thought I could give you and Isabelle some time alone. Together," I wiggled my eyebrows. Isabelle snuck up behind him giving me thumbs up. I just smiled at them and hurried to my room.

I took a shower. Once I finished the shower I got dressed in a really pretty white sundress with matching white sandals. Zach sat with Isabelle in the kitchen talking about baby things so they didn't notice when I left the house. Aiden was waiting by the creek when I got back. "Wow."

He was genuinely in awe. I thought it was cute. "Uh, hu. Your chance to get me is slipping quickly." In a blink, he had me in his arms.

"One, that was too easy." His voice held determination. The feeling of his hands was driving me crazy. Tinglings ran through his hands like electricity. "I will make you mine no matter what. And by the way, nice hickey."

"Get off me weirdo." I forced myself from him. I immeaditaly felt sad leaving his arms. "That wasn't catching me." I ran mid sentence. All of the training helped me run faster. Thank you Zach for the training. Aidens heavy footsteps echoed behind me.

I hid behind a tree and took off my sandals. I listened for any sounds. "Come out little mate." Aiden stood on the other side of the tree. "I know you're close." I moved around the tree as he checked my spot. I took off again laughing at him.

"Catch me if you can!" I smelt another person in the vicinity. I skidded to a stop. Blake emerged from the Blue Moon pack. I stepped to the side. Blake's face paused in horror as Aiden ran into him. I held my hands to my mouth.

Aiden landed on Blake as if they were lovers. "Who would've known that you actually had a thing for my brother?" Aiden slowly got off of Blake. "Afraid that I know your little secret?" I jumped a little as Aiden ran at me.

I screamed a little as Aiden picked me up. "You know I'm all yours." I leaned down to kiss him.

"Moon goddess is making me see things." I jumped out of Aidens arms. Zach dropped to his knees. "I know I should've been keeping an eye on her."

I nervously folded my hands. Zach stood up and left. All three of us ran after him. The guards held Aiden back. Blake got in Zachs' way. "Please here Aiden out."

Zach pushed Blake. "Why the hell should I? He's done nothing but picked on our sister!"

"I'm changing to prove myself to your sister!" I quietly watched. What can I do to stop this? My mind and nervous were a jumbled mess. "Hear me out."

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