Chapter 1- The Yogurt Aisle

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“Bye, Alice!” Aiden shouts behind me as I close the door. For once, I don’t have to lock up. Weirdly enough, even though I have worked at my taekwondo studio for over two years now, I still get the graveyard shift. Aiden and I teach the 8:10 adult and teen class on Mondays and Wednesdays at the main studio. That had been the primary class I took since I was twelve, until of course I was assigned to teach it.   

When I was sixteen, I finally got up the nerves to apply for a job there. I figured if doing it for nine years and being a second degree black belt wasn’t good enough, then something was really wrong with the system. I work full time in the summer and work half time during the school year. Unfortunately, since I’m going to college, I won’t be able to work there anymore.

It’s Wednesday, which I like more than Mondays, but are not on the top tier of favorite days. At the moment, dad is on a business trip and my mom and stepdad, Kirk, are on vacation to celebrate their fifth year of marriage. Therefore, I need food that is easy to make since I haven’t eaten since nine this morning.

Aiden is a senior at the local college; he’s kind of cute, in the awkward, weak boy kind of way. I know that sounds ironic because he’s a third degree, but power isn’t anything. He could take down Dwayne Johnson just by his use of leverage, but his stature and musculature isn’t anything to write home about. Besides, you would need to do something so blatantly terrible to aggravate him because he’s extremely calm. Anyways, after vacuuming the dojang, I leave the studio and make the short walk in the shopping center to Safeway, a local grocery store.

I parked around there anyway because the bakery’s breakfast rush is astounding. To be honest, I really don’t know what I want because at ten o’clock, I can’t think that well. I walk in through the automatic doors and grab one of the baskets. I pick up a pack of pepperoni in the deli section since dad only buys the fake turkey kind. That seems criminal to me, but I really shouldn’t complain. I go through the aisles picking things up willy-nilly but nothing really sounds appetizing. I get to the yogurt section. I just stand there, examining the different types. The variety of Greek yogurt mesmerize me. I don’t even like Greek yogurt, but the hype in the media is perplexing.

“You okay?” A voice asks me, I guess I have been staring at yogurt too long.

“Yeah” I answer, continuing to stare at the yogurt.

“What are you doing?” this time I realize he has a British accent.

“Eradicating my sexual yogurt fantasies,” I look over at him, “and you?”

For a second he looks at me like I’m a complete perv, then his shock turns into a smile. Neither of us can stop laughing. Usually, I’m not so daring in conversation, but its half past ten and I’m extremely tired. And hey, I was staring at yogurt.  

 “I just got over my fruit induced erection.” Whoever this guy is, he’s pretty damn funny.

“That’s really a shame, erecting whenever you see a fruit, being stimulated by grapes, apples, pomegranates!” I can barely keep myself composed at this point. 

He scratches his head, “excuse me, I don’t cheat, I’m only aroused by bananas.”

“Oh, aren’t you a class act?” I mock, my cheeks turning a special kind of red.

As he regains his composure, he asks me, “So what’s your name?”

“Are your bananas going to get jealous you’re talking to me?”

“Nah, we have an open relationship.”

“Ah, well my name’s Alice, and I take back that comment of you being a class act. Cheating on your bananas like that. You got a name?”

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