Chapter 38

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My head hurt worse then ever before, and I've had multiple concussions. The head pain was a mixture between an intense pressure, and I stabbing pain. Not only was my head pounding, but my stomach felt like it someone was swimming around in it. All being said, I felt like utter shit. 

The sound of a creaking made me yank a pillow over my head to shut out the noise. "Feeling good?" I peeked out from under the pillow to see Jim standing in the doorway with a huge smile on his face. "You look like crap." 

"Why are you talking so loud?" I hissed pulling the pillow back over my face to block out the blinding light as well. "And why am I here?" 

"You came over to my apartment last night really wasted. You not used to hangovers?" Jim sat down on the bed and he placed a hand on my side. "How about you wash up, maybe throw up, and I'll make you something that will get rid of that hangover?" 

"I would rather die." I groaned, but instead of dying, I started to feel really sick, and I stood up, and ran to the bathroom, and as soon as I was in, I fell on the floor, and started puking into the toilet. Once I was done, I wiped my face, and looked up to see Jim leaning on the doorframe with a huge smirk. "Shut up." I said. 

"Get a shower, it will make you feel better. Towels are in the cupboard." He shut the door, and I threw up one more time, and decided that he was right. 

So I undressed from the over size T-shirt, and I got into the shower, and took nice long hot shower. It felt nice, and it seemed to help a bit, and as soon as I was out of the shower, I rummaged through the medicine cabinet to find some Advil, and when I found it I took like four. 

Stepping out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my body, I looked to see Jim in the kitchen, so sneaking back to his room, I started peeking around hoping to find his old tramps clothes, because mine from last night smelled terrible, but no matter how hard I looked I couldn't find any, so I resigned myself to wearing Jim's smallest T-shirt and a pair of shorts. 

Walking out of his room, I found my way to the kitchen, to see Jim making something on the stove, and on the counter was a tall glass of something green. "What's that?" I asked pointing to it. 

Jim turned and he glanced at what I was wearing, but he gave a soft smile. "It's my hangover drink. It taste terrible, but it works." He said. I grabbed the drink and sniffed it and gagged. "Trust me." 

Taking the tall drink, I chugged down the disgusting slush, and he was right, it was gross, but as soon as it was done, I started to feel better right away. "That's incredible." 

"I know." Jim said. "Now, you hungry?" I saw that he was cooking pancakes. 

"You know how to make pancakes?" I asked as he put two on my plate, and I saw that there was chocolate chips in them in the shape of a smiley face. "You're just full of surprises." 

We ate in comfortable silence, well that was until Jim spoke. "You don't usually drink? What made you do it last night?" 

"Carol asked me to the bar last night, and she really seemed like she had to see me, so I went." I shrugged. 

"Even still." Jim smirked. "So are we going to talk about how you showed up at my apartment last night?" He picked up our empty plates, and put them in the sink, and we walked over to his couch.

"I was drunk, you can't blame me." I said hoping he would drop it, but no such luck. 

"No, drunk you was right." Jim said. "We need to talk about this." 

"Talk about what?" I asked sourly. "About how I made a fool out of myself." 

"What, when you went inside that building? Because yeah, that was a pretty stupid." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2017 ⏰

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