From Broken to Beautiful

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This isn't what you asked for. And most definitely not what you prayed for. 

You made it this far but you're not sure if you can take even one more step through this broken life. 

You had it all planned out as a kid. Your future...your career...your happily ever after with Prince Charming...

But now you're not so sure. It seems as if all those plans have been shattered to peices by reality and washed away in the waves of life.

What's left for you now? Where do you go from here? Is there any hope left at all?

It seems your entire life is left in nothing but ruins of depression, anxiety, insecurity, uncertainty, and fear.

And all you feel is inadequate. Never enough. And most definitely not strong enough to keep up fighting.

They say to keep Praying. They say to keep your head up. They say God is in control. But it's so very hard for you to keep believing.

Is there any hope left at all?

At the Wednesday Night service of my youth group, the youth pastor had a vase on stage. It represented us. As people.
A clean, white, shining vase. Just how we thought our lives would turn out when we were kids. But then he took a hammer and he hit the vase. This represents life. Life takes a sharp turn and we fall and we're left broken -- just like this vase.

But the case wasn't completely broken. Just cracked in so many ways. The case was barely holding on. And what good is a cracked vase? It's's no good.
All those cracks in the case represent all of our inadequacies.

The youth pastor then took an LED light and put it inside the vase. This represents Jesus inside of us.

The vase now looks like a work of art, not just broken and useless, but beautiful with a light burning bright from inside of us. The light shown through all the cracks and made it something beautiful.

God's light can shine through all of our our inadequacies and make us into something beautiful. He's makes diamonds out of dust.

God can turn a mess into a message.

He can turn a test into a testimony.

And he can turn a broken heart into a beautiful work of art.

He can shine through all of our inadequacies.

So throw up your fist. Play your fight song. You have a fire inside of you.

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