Back To The Basics

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Ya know, sometimes you just got to go back to the basics. 

I mean, sometimes the things that mean the most and the things that will hit us the hardest...are the most basic things. 

Especially when you take the time to really think about it. Like, think about what it really means. 

Jesus loves you. 






And nothing can separate you from His love.

When you think about it at a deeper level, the basic things become so much less basic and so much more important.

So, let's all go back to the basics.

Read a little kid bible story... watch Veggie Tales... sing Jesus Loves goldfish crackers...

Okay, that last one has nothing to do with anything. But, sometimes it's good to be a kid even if it has nothing deep to it. So yeah, eat goldfish crackers and drink apple juice! 

What are some basic things that mean a lot to you?


I have started a series called Back To The Basics on my blog where I dig deeper into Sunday School stories and show how we can learn from even the basic stories we taught as a child! You can find it on my blog at

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