Dream Breakers

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We all have dreams.

You have dreams...I have dreams...Your parents have dreams...Your friends have dreams...Your distant cousin has dreams...

Okay, you get the point.

But when I say dreams, I'm not talking about the kind of dreams that you have when you go to sleep. I'm talking about aspirations.  Things that you dream of doing. Something that you aspire to be or do.

And a lot of people have dreams but...they just don't think that that their dreams are able to be achieved. They think that they just can't do it.

And a lot of times when someone thinks that they can't, it's because someone told them they can't. Sometimes, it's a friend. Sometimes it's a bully. Sometimes it's a family member. Sometimes it's a fellow worker. And sometimes...it's themselves. That little voice in the back of your head that tells you that you that you can't.

You know what I like to call those people who discourage you to chase your dream?

Dream Breakers.

Yup. They're just dream breakers. They try and break your dreams into little bitty pieces and discard them.

Dream breakers are everywhere. And you really shouldn't listen. Because listening to them isn't going to get you anywhere.

If you listen, then your dream will never be achieved. You will never become what you wanted to be...never do what you wanted to do. No one will ever see you do the thing that only you can do. Because only you can achieve your dreams.

And when that little voice in the back of your head happens to be the dream breaker, you need to push those thoughts to back of your mind and remember...

With God, all things are possible. (Matthew 19:26)

What are your  dreams?

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