You're Like A Boomerang

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You've been trying. And trying. And trying. Trying not to cry. Trying not to go off at everyone around you because nobody seems to understand what you're going through. And trying to keep it all inside. You feel like you're about to blow up with all the pressure building up inside of you. You thought you could do it all on your own...but maybe you were wrong.

Today's song is "Boomerang" by Anthem Lights. I totally know the feeling when you think you can deal with everything you're feeling and everything you're going through on your own. Ive been there. Maybe you don't want to bother anyone with your problems cause you think that no one will care anyway. If that's the case, then stop right there. That is NOT true!! Sure there could be one or two people who are heartless and won't care, but there are SO many people who care about you and what you have to say and what you are feeling.

If that's not the case than maybe you don't have anyone TO talk to. Maybe you're parents are just too busy or you just don't feel comfortable talking with them. Or maybe you're siblings just wouldn't understand. Or your friends have their own problems to deal with. If THAT'S the case then I've got some ideas for you.

Idea Number One - Talk to people online. I know that for me its way harder to talk to people in person about stuff like my problems than talking to people online. When I'm typing everything I can just spill. Spill everything. It's so much easier than talking.

Idea Number Two - Talk to yourself. Yeah, may sound kind of odd but it works. At least it works for me. I'll go someplace where no one can hear me and I'll kind of just spill everything. I'm not really talking to myself, I'm just talking to no one, really. I just say it out loud though. I just talk as long as I need to out loud about what the problem is and how I can maybe fix it and why this problem is a problem. And if you start to cry...don't worry! It's not a bad thing to cry when you're going through something. Its a good thing to just let it out. Even if youre telling your problems to thin air. Letting everything out will take a huge burden off your shoulders. Or at least you won't be so stressed anymore.

Idea Number Three - Talk to God. If ANYONE cares about you and your problems, it's God. I mean, he's the one created you and he loves you way more than you could ever know. So talk to him about your problems. The point is to find a way to let it go. Let it all go. And you will come back stronger than you began. And ready to face the next day. So let it go. You're like a Boomerang. You'll come back stronger and less stressed and less burdened. And remember through it all, when you feel like no one cares, God does. He loves you. And I love you too. If you ever need to talk, feel free to private message me!

Remember...You're like a Boomerang!

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