No Matter Where

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Skin color. Eyes. Accent. Intellectuality. Beauty. Worth.

What do all these things have in common? They're all things that can be criticized depending on where you live. Or where you're from.

And to me, that just doesn't make sense. Why should where you're from or where you live matter? 

I mean, people can always tease you if you're from a different country then them. Or if you're from a different state then them.

Maybe you have darker skin then them. Or you have an accent that is different from them. And the one that makes the least when they think you're not smart because of where you're from. Like, why the heck should where you're from change how smart you are? It doesn't!

I think that if someone thinks you're not smart because of where you're from/where you live...then they're the ones who are not smart! 'Cause it doesn't matter. Trust me.

In God's eyes, there is one race. The human race. And it doesn't matter what part of the earth that you came from. You are just as beautiful as everyone else. Can be just as smart as everyone else. Are just as amazing as everyone else. And are worth every bit as much as anyone else!

Don't base your worth off of what they think. Base it off of what God thinks!

And matter what they think...I think you're gorgeous.


Encouragement & Inspiration For Teen GirlsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora