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Psalms 139: 16
"Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."


Have you ever come to that point in your life where you wondered what your purpose is?

I mean, it seems that for me all I do is eat, sleep, do schoolwork, and mess around on social media. And that just seems so empty and...pointless.

Do you ever come to the point where you wonder, 'do I even have a purpose'?

Here's the thing (and please hear me out and consider this). God does everything for a purpose. Everything. That's why you can't give up when you feel worthless. Becuase have you ever thought about the fact that every morning that God wakes you up means purpose? Why would he take the time to wake you up every morning if he didn't have a plan for you in mind? So every time you wake up, take the time to smile and remember that God would you up and that means purpose.

But...what is our purpose?

I mean, I'm still a teenager. And where I am right now, I can't go on mission trips or be a missionary. I can't adopt kids or Street Evangelize. So what can I do for God?

I want to change the world. I think we all do. But how can you change the world, if you're just one person?

To be honest, you may not be able to. You might not be able to change the world. But you can do something just as important.

You can change somebody's world.

Somebody's world may just be crumbling. And you can be the one person who could be just what they needed for them not to give up.
So just stat small. Be a friend to the friendless. Be a listening ear and a helping hand. Make everybody feel like somebody. Do little acts of kindness for people around you. You never know how much that could mean to a person.

God has a plan for your life. It's as simple as that. But it can also get discouraging at times. Becuase we're humans and we get impatient easily. Things aren't going to unfold all at once and they aren't going to happen when you want. God's perfect plan will unfold in his beautiful and perfect timing.

In the meantime, remember...
You may not be able to change the whole world. But you can change somebody's world. And that's enough.

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