Chapter .25

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Audrey's pov:

Surprisingly, I didn't see Rhett and Morgan all over each other this morning. I actually walked through the hallway without gaging. I met Caroline at my locker.

"So did you ask your dad if you could go?" I asked her. She nodded and smiled. "Yep! And I can! It's going to be the best day ever, I can already see it!" Yeah, if Morgan and Blake don't show up.

I laugh and shut my locker. "Yeah it's going to be awesome."

Then Caroline looks at something behind me. Her eyes were a little wide and confused. "Uh, Audrey?"


"Who is that?" I turn around and my jaw drops. Rhett is walking in with some red head under his shoulder. She's wearing a blue floral dress with his leather jacket over it. He's got that smirk on his face... The old smirk I used to see everyday back when I first met him. And she's smiling as big as she can, her cheeks red. I clutch my fists watching them. What.... The fuck is he doing?

I shake my head and grab my stuff. "Let's go Caroline." I said, storming off. I went straight to the classroom and didn't say a word when Rhett walked in.


I was planning on talking to Rhett tonight. But this time it wouldn't be about Blake or Morgan or our parents. No, this time is was about that damn red head. I didn't even talk to Rhett today. He tried multiple times to try and start a conversation with me. At lunch, I sat only beside Blake. Not in between Blake and Rhett like I usually do. Rhett just talked to Morgan. Which pissed me off more.

Once I got home, I picked up my phone and called Rhett. We're settling this right now. He's going to come over here and tell me what the hell is going on.


"My house. Now."

He laughs on the other end and I feel like throwing my phone. Is this some joke to him?! It's not a fucking joke! "I can't right now, Audrey. I'm busy."

"Busy? With what?" My heart stops when I hear a girl on the other line ask him if he's ready to go. And I know that voice is too innocent to be Morgan's. I feel my anger get worse.

"I'll call you later, I promise. Bye!"

"Rhett you better not-" the line ended.

I threw my phone at the wall and screamed. That little shit. He thinks he can just write me off like that to hang out with some church girl he just met? Hell to the fucking no. I'm not answering his calls. And I'm not talking to him. He wants to own up to it, then he can. But until then, I'm not speaking to him.


Rhett's POV:

"Who was that?" Lina asks me, sitting in the car. I put my phone in my pocket and shake my head. "Nobody." But that was a lie. Audrey was my everything. I just... I had to find some way to make her jealous. The whole Morgan thing obviously wasn't working. But the Lina deal... It's getting to Audrey bad. She sounded pissed when she called. She didn't talk to me all day after this morning and I know why. I know she saw me with Lina.

"So, where are we going?" I smirk and drive off. "The movies. I hope you like scary movies."


Lina was all over me during the movie. I knew she would be. Church girls can't possibly like or watch horror movies. She literally held my arm and hand the entire time. But that was my plan. I wanted her to be comfortable around me. Because I wasn't leaving her without a kiss. Things will have to move fast if I want her in bed.

"That was the scariest movie I've ever seen." Lina said as we walked to the car. I scoffed and wrapped my arm around her shoulders. "It's probably the only scary movie you've seen." She laughs and we get into the car.

She smiles at me, then looks down at her hands. "I had a fun time tonight, Rhett." I smirked. She's already falling for me. I leaned over and tipped her chin up to look at me. I rolled my lip ring around, which earned her eyes there. I bite my lip, slowly leaning in until I kissed her. To be honest, she wasn't that bad of a kisser. Of course, Audrey was 10x better but it's not like I'm even going to be with this girl that much longer. Maybe a week and a half.

I kiss her harder and slip my hands into her hair. Her hands don't go anywhere. They just awkwardly stay by her side. This is probably her first kiss.... Oh well.

After a while, I got sick of her not doing anything. I picked her up by the waist, and hurridly pulled her onto my lap as she lightly shrieked. Damn, I forgot how annoying these girls can get.

I smirk and kiss down to her neck, lightly sucking and nibbiling on her skin. She hesitantly wraps her arms around my neck. I grab her waist and she flinches. I roll my eyes.

We make out for about five more minutes before seperaring for air. And I tell her a lie straight away. "Damn, you're one hell of a kisser." She giggled and blushes, pushing a piece of hair behind her ear. "Thanks."

I fake smile, kiss her lips again, but just a peck. "We should probably take you back to your dad. Wouldn't want him freaking out." She nods and crawls off of me and back into the passenger seat.

Yeah, she'll be easier to crack than a peanut.


Audrey's pov:

"He's on a date with her?!" Caroline yelled. I laughed and nodded, even though she couldn't see me. "Yep. I called him and I heard her in the background. He hung up on me!"

"But you guys are best friends! He can't just ditch you like that!" I scoff walking out of the bathroom and grabbing a pair of panties and a bra. "Tell me about it." I hear her sigh on the other line and I quickly slip on my red laced panties. "Well I hate to hear that, babe. But I have to go. My dad wants me to get in the shower and get ready for bed."

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow at school. Bye."


I hung up the phone and grabbed my matching red bra off the bed, clipping it on. And at the same time, I hear my window open. I look over my shoulder and grunt when I see Rhett slip through. I rolled my eyes and walked to my dresser, grabbing a white tank top and putting it on. "So was fucking the red head nice?"

Rhett sighs and leans against the window. "I didn't fuck her Audrey. That's your job." I roll my eyes again and crawl into my bed. "Oh yeah? Then why ditch me for her?"

I feel the bed dip down and then Rhett's abs pressed against my back. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me to him. His breath runs across the skin of my ear and neck. Hid lips kissing right under my earlobe. "You almost sound jealous, doll."

I elbowed him. "No. I'm pissed. You don't just ditch your bestfriend for some girl you just met. How do you even know y'all will last?" I stare at my door that was directly in front of me. My back was still facing Rhett.

He sighs and lays his head down right above mine, his chin lighting digging into my head, his arms still tight around me. "I know we won't... Why do you think I'm having fun with her? As soon as I get her in bed, I'm breaking her heart. It's exactly what I did to every girl before I met you."

I stay silent. I didn't know what to say or do by now. I just wanted to stay here with Rhett forever. To just cuddle up to him everyday and night and just never leave. He made me feel comfortable and safe.... He was the only person that could do that.

And I couldn't just let that go.


Lina has no idea what's in store for her. Poor girl.

Love you guys and don't forget to vote for me! Thanks for reading!


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