Chapter. 7

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Audrey's POV

I woke up the next morning with a horrible hang over. I don't want to get up cause I was scared I was going to throw up everywhere.

I looked over in shock of who was in my bed.

It was Rhett.

He looked so adorable while he slept. I didn't want to wake him but I did want answered as to why he was in my bed. Ugh, he's so peaceful for the first time but he needs to get out of my bed.

Before I could shove him out of my bed he rolled over and wrapped him arm around my waist. I suppose since he felt someone there so he felt the need to pull me closer. I felt safe in his arms but I couldn't like him. He just wants in my pants. Besides, the last time I trusted and liked a guy, my heart was broken.

I smacked him. He woke up. "Ow what was that for??"

"For sleeping in bed with me you perv." He smirked. "You're the one that asked me to sleep with you, Ms. Feisty. So I did and I'm not a guy that would take advantage of you while you're drunk. Nothing happened." I was confused. I didn't remember anything from last night and why would I ask him to sleep with me?

"And doll you almost got your self into some serious trouble with a huge guy last night. You're lucky I was there or it wouldn't have been pretty." Before I could say anything, I felt that sour feeling in my throat that gave me the erge to throw up. I ran to the bathroom and started puking my guts out. I felt someome grab my hair and put it in a pony tail. I couldn't stop who it was cause I couldn't stop puking. "How's that hangover treating you doll?" As soon as I heard that low husky voice, I knew it was Rhett. Of course I couldn't speak but when it slowed down and quit for a minute I spoke. "It fucking sucks."

He laughed a low laugh that sounded pretty evil. "If I didn't stop you when I did it would have been much worse. You're lucky I stopped you." I managed to thank him Before I started puking again.

Once I finally stopped puking, I got up and washed my face and brushed my teeth, trying to get the taste out of my mouth. I shove Rhett out of the bathroom. "I'm going to take a shower. We can talk afterwards about last night." He looked me up and down then smirked. "Can i join you?"

I scoffed and laughed in his face. "In your dreams Lover boy. Now if you don't mind I'm gonna take a shower." I ran to my bedroom and grabbed some clothes and went back to the bathroom to start the water. I hopped in got cleaned off and stuff and got out.

I realized I didn't have any towels in my bathroom. Dammit!

"Hey Rhett I didn't get a towel can you go to the other bathroom and get a towel and don't be stupid." I bet you He was smirking at the thought of seeing me naked. Ugh. "Sure thing babe." I heard his footsteps get lighter as he walked farther and farther away, towards the other bathroom.

After a minute or two, he came back. "Here you go, Audrey." I peeked out the door hiding my body behind the door and sticking my head out. "Thanks." I grabbed it and shut quickly shut the door and locked it. I got dried off and got dressed. I didn't feel like dealing with my hair so I put it up in a bun.

When I walked out, Rhett stared me up and down and bit his lip. "Ah hah don't even think about it!" He scoffed. "Hey I can dream."

"Whatever lover boy. Keep on dreaming." He laughed. "Whatever. I got to get going you wanna hang out or something?" I smirked. He wasn't some goody goody. He wouldn't mind getting into trouble. Which was the only reason I said this.

"HELL YEAH, let's go get in some trouble." He snickered. "Where do you wanna go doll?" I rolled my eyes. "For the last goddamn time my name isn't doll. Stop calling me that! I don't know, let's go spray paint some buildings or trains." He smiked. "I know just the place."

We walked outside and got in his nice ass car and drove for about 20 minutes before we got to this train station. He parked the car in a place that was hard to see and we got out and headed to the trunk to get the spray paint out. We went to a new looking train and starting leaving our mark on it. I painted this huge tree while dumbass Rhett was putting his name in bubbled letters.

When we were almost done we heard sirens. "SHIT!! That's probably the cops. RUN!!" We ran as fast as we could to the car, got in and pulled back a little bit to make it harder to see us. We couldn't leave just yet... we had to wait them out. But how the hell could we do that? I glanced at Rhett and he looked scared as shit. "Loosen up a bit, Rhett." He looked at me real hard, his brows furrowed in anger.

"Loosen up? If I get caught my dad will kill me. I can't get in jail again. He doesn't have the money to bail me out like he did last time!"

"Well no one said you had to do this shit. I didn't force you. You chose to go here. You should have known the cops would most likely be called. I mean for God's sake we were spray painting on a pretty much brand new train. What did you expect?"

"I don't know, okay Audrey. We just need to get out of here without getting caught." I sighed. "I agree." The cops were looking all around flashing thier lights here and there. I was pretty scared myself. If I got jail no one could bail me out. My step dad and his "new" family are gone for a couple of days and my mom is hours away and she doesn't even give a shit for what I do with my life. She only cares about drugs and her dumbass prostitution job. I hate her so much.

The flash lights were getting closer to the car and my heart beat quickend. They shined at light right at us then kept going past us. I let out a sigh of relief and looked over at Rhett. "We should be good now." He sighed too but not in the good way. "All because they passed us doesn't mean shit. Just wait until they come into the woods. They won't be able to find us then. I can't start up the car and try to get away cause my car's exhaust is pretty fucking loud. We are stuck here until they leave or find us." Another light showed our way and started to get closer. It shined right in my window and into my face. I froze.

We are done for.

He yelled. "FOUND THEM!" all of the other cops came over there and told us to get out of the car. We did as we were told. We were already in some deep shit. But Rhett started fighting back the cop so did the same. Before I knew it everything went black.

I woke up in a jail cell with my head aching from whatever that damn cop hit me in the head with. I got up and looked beside me. Why in the hell am I in a jail cell with Rhett? Shouldn't we be in separate cells? Dammit Rhett you must have took us to a really small town that only had like 3 or 4 cells to lock people up. Ugh in stuck in here with that...this is gonna be fucking great.

Why did I even say we shoud go do something in the first place. How the hell am I supposed to get out of here...? I'm screwed. All of a sudden Rhett woke up. "Where the hell are we?" I sighed. "We are in jail you dipshit. Thanks to you for trying to fight the damn cop. You most likely made it like ten times worse than what it would have been." He shrugged. Whatever. This isn't the first time I've been in jail. It probably isn't the last time being in jail either."

I heard keys jingling and footsteps coming our way. "Rhett, Audrey, your free to go." We both looked at each other in shock. We got up and headed toward the door. I wonder who got us out...We never even called anyone since we got in here. What the hell. We walked outside and there was.....


I'm aware that this chapter is shorter than usual but YourWorstNightmare41 wanted to keep you guys waiting and I couldn't argue xp!

But seriously, you guys go follow her and give her all the votes and comments you can! She's an amazing writer and deserves the support! Stay cool!


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