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Indomitable (adj.) incapable of being subdued, overcome, vanquished, unconquerable.

Indomitable is a mammoth of a word that can only describe the Crimson Hollow Pack.  For centuries, from one alpha to another, the pack has withstood wars, turmoil, chaos even an uprising at some point.  They were blessed with great and formidable leaders who never resorted to instilling fear but commanded respect among its members.  This very same core value of mutual respect will cement their relationship with each one and will be imbibed into the minds and hearts of their offspring.

The threat has finally come to pass as they emerge victorious.  Genuine love has seeped through all the cracks of distrust, pain, loss and fear making it hale and whole.  Once again, the peaceful way of life has re-seated in its realm.  The neighboring packs and their sub alphas have come to pay homage to the new heir with the bonus of a princess adding to the mix.  They say that it is a rarity to have twins borne and that it would bring abundant blessings not only to the proud parents and grandparents but the entire pack as well.

Margareta had moved in with her second chance mate, Dan Heeley and has become a constant visitor to the alpha couple with Elijah and Caitlin joining in.  Truth be told that the birth of the twins has further brought them closer together.  The girly bantering between the matriarchs as they fawned over the newborns has become a source of entertainment among the men.  No doubt the twins will be enveloped with an overwhelming dose of familial love; they would never go hungry without.

Tanner Corbin had busied himself in the vineyard and has become a full pledged vintner on top of his beta role.  But at the end of the day, his restless soul would and could only find peace in that little part of the lake.  His paws would find him planted on the very earth that is several feet away from the prairie house where he briefly met a woman so achingly beautiful and familiar and realized she was his elusive mate.

Bryleigh Sanson could feel him, smell him and sense his presence in a distance everywhere she went.  She has found him and wished there was a way to be together without causing his death.

It had been 2 weeks now and since then Keegan and Queran had settled into a routine that they both enjoyed doing.  Night has fallen and nothing could have been more tranquil as the sight of them cradling the innocent bodies of their tots.

Keilah Lucas exudes a true radiance of beauty as Keegan coos to this little bundle of joy with her baby blue eyes staring up at him in awe as he feeds her with breast milk that had been pumped into a bottle.  She is cradled against Keegan’s powerful but gentle arms and has him literally wrapped against her cute and stubby fingers.  Keegan’s eyes misted at the beautiful sight before him and he gazed at the woman on his right who has risked her life bringing them into this world.  The expanse of milky complexion of her chest exposed as his future heir suckled from her breast.  He cannot help but feel jealous of the sight.  Lucky squirt.

Quinlan Lucas is princely ensconced in the warmth of his mother’s loving arms.  Queran hums a sweet lullaby as her son sups from her breast.  He has innocent eyes, a deep shade of amber like her own; staring up at her in complete trust.  They blinked rapidly until it slows down and completely shuts.  His long eyelashes fanned over his pink cheeks as he releases her nipple with a loud pop.  The sucking continued as she caresses his soft skin and thumb clears the droplets of milk from the side of his mouth.  The moment was as overwhelming as the first time she held their twins in her arms; unbidden tears flowed down her cheeks as she looked up to her left and saw Keegan watching her closely.  He licked his lips and his eyes sparkled with a look of love and perhaps lust burning inside his gut.  Queran curved her lips in a sultry smile that spoke volumes.

He gasped as he felt the little hands of his princess squeeze his index finger silently demanding that he looks back at her.  Keegan belted out a laugh and kissed Keilah’s forehead.  Queran got up and deposited Quin into the bassinet, patting his bum and tucked him in his blanket.  Keegan continued to watch and the sight of her in a nude colored nightgown of silk had Keegan swallow the lump that was lodged on his throat as he finds himself undoubtedly, madly and truthfully in love with Queran all over again, not to mention extremely turned on like a randy teenager at the first sight of a woman’s curves.  He narrowed his eyes towards his princess and silently spoke to her to cap the night off and shut those pretty eyes so he can have some alone time with mommy.   But no, this little darling briefly smiled at him and lost hold of his finger and kicked excitedly against his ribs.  “Owww, you’re a feisty little thing aren’t yah?  So like your mommy.”

 He put away the bottle and shifted her for a burp which she quickly obliged.  Her soft head facing his neck; is now resting on his wide shoulders and her small breaths tickled his nape.  Keegan rocked her to sleep and moments later, she fell into slumber and was eventually tucked into her pink sheets.

Queran stood beside Keegan stroking his back as they both looked at the angelic face of their daughter. He planted another kiss into those little pink lips, and then pulled up to gather the love of his life into his arms.  Queran automatically melts into him and playfully nips his neck up to his jaws and smack into his waiting and hungry lips. 

“They are both so beautiful, baby.  Have I told you how amazing you are?” Keegan uttered against her lips.

Queran blushed.  “I remember you say it everyday, B and you are magnificent yourself.  You are so good with them and I appreciate that you make time for them, for me, for us.”

“You will always come first baby.  Always.  I must have done something good in my life to deserve you.  I can never imagine life without you.  Now, with our twins to complete this family, I am overjoyed and I feel so whole.  I know I can conquer almost anything and I promise to protect them and to protect you.”

“You are impossibly sweet my love.  I have no sliver of doubt you will be one kick ass alpha for a long time and the best husband to me and an awesome dad to our pups.”

Keegan could not utter a word.  Her faith in him is astounding and he will never let them down.  He trapped his gaze into her amber depths and cradled the side of her head and their lips locked. His hands slide down to grab her ass as he lifted her.  She anchored her legs firmly on his hips and grinded against his erection earning her a deep sexy growl that she will never tire of hearing.  “I love you…Keegan.” She whispered into his ear.

“Oh baby, as much as I love you too.”  He said solemnly.

They reached their bedroom and in a fraction of minutes, articles of clothing were thrown everywhere and they landed against the soft down of pillows and sheets.  Keegan hungrily kissed and bruised her lips.  Queran cupped his bum and he growls at the feel of her nails dig deep into his gluts.  He continued to growl and then grabbed both her hands and pinned them on the side of her head.

“You drive me wild, baby.  I don’t know if I can hold it much longer.  But I don’t want to hurt you; it has only been a couple of weeks.”

“Hush, B.  I want you too much it hurts.  I have healed since day 1 after the birth of our twins.  You should know that.  You can never hurt me.”  She arched her hips against his groin and rubbed her leg sensually on his calf.  “Please, B.  I need you.”

“As I need you like I need air to breathe, my sweet and beautiful Queran.   I will never ever let you go.  You have me - forever and always.”

 ~ THE END ~

Author's Note:  

Thank you for joining me as I tell the story of this adorable couple.  It was truly a beautiful journey and you have all been so kind and generous with your comments and your votes.  I apologize for uploading so late as I ran into some technical problems with MS Word where this chapter got wiped off so I had to re-write it all over again.  Please do not be sad for we will still be seeing more of this wonderful family as I tell Tanner and Bryleigh's story.  Please join me again next time.  Book 2 will be launched on November 11 for the benefit of those who are reading my story but are not followers at the moment.  I hope someday I can win your favour. Thank you all so much.

Fate Smiles on My Alpha (Book 1 of the Fate Series) - CompletedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon