Chapter 30 - It is Done

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The room tilted on its axis.  The buzz of several feet treading against their granite flooring, cooing sounds from a woman she knew so well and the familiar cuss of a friend she holds dear pervaded in the background.  A painful sob escapes as she curled into a ball hoping she was clutching against Keegan’s warmth.  The nightmare that has shaken her and haunted her since her papa died has loomed and engulfed her with the worst fear imaginable. 

“She’s awake.  Oh dear.  How are you feeling?” Meg spooned her and rubbed her arms.

“M-mom, Carter took him.  My Keegan is in danger and I can’t do anything about it. We both know how crazy he is.  I’ll die if I lose Keegan, mom.”  Queran said as she gritted her teeth.

“I know, my baby.  But he won’t do anything to Keegan.  No not yet and we won’t let him.”

“Keegan is stronger than you think Q.  If anybody should be scared it’s that fucking slime ball.  I’m going with you tomorrow.” Tanner said.  It was not a question but a statement.

“No. I will go alone, you will give yourself a way if they catch a whiff of your scent.  You should hold the fort in our absence Tanner.  If something should hap...”

“Fucking hell, Q!” Tanner kneeled in front of her and rested his palm against her cheek.

“NOTHING is going to happen to you both do you understand? We’ll get through this.  We’ll think of something.”

“What can you tell us about this Carter, Queran?”  Elijah, Keegan’s dad was leaning against the patio doors.  His stance was undoubtedly menacing like he would waste no time to pounce on his son’s abductor.

“He was sort of adopted by my father.  He took him in together with what was left of his pack after he told him of being a rogue alpha for years.  He was okay for a few months but he started taking interest with me.  He attempted so many times to claim me as his mate and this infuriated my father so he challenged him for the alpha position.  But Carter was a devious son of a bitch; he killed my father and the rest of my pack.  It was pure luck that my mom and I managed to escape. But all this you may already know.  The only thing I think he wants is to possess the special gifts I gave Keegan when we fully mated.  He is completely ignorant of the facts and he is deluding himself if he thinks that he can just take.  The prophecy said I was going to give this gift to my true mate.  If Keegan dies, I die with him. If he learns about the truth, there is no doubt in my mind he would not spare our lives.  I am more terrified of what he could do to Keegan more than what he can do to me, because of – Emma.”

“Ok. Now, the note said someone is going to pick you up at dawn who will take you to him, do you have any idea where he is staying or where he could be taking you?”  Elijah mulled over.

“I never even realized he was even close until he tried to kidnap me.  I never thought he would still come back after running away from Emma when she died.  Carter is so twisted who knows what he could be thinking right now.  All I know is that I have to play my cards right until Keegan and I can figure out a way to stop him.  I could even kill him for hurting my mate if I could.  But there is no way in hell am I going to steal that chance from Keegan.  He has to be stopped.”

“Do you know how many were there with him?”  Tanner asked this time.

“Not a lot, there were only a handful like 6 of them.  I think the guy who caused my accident was one of them but you said they never found him again.  We have been attacked covertly in the past weeks and I can’t help but think he is still not alone.”

Fate Smiles on My Alpha (Book 1 of the Fate Series) - Completedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن