Chapter 34 - Natalis

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Five Months Later

~ Keegan~


These freaking hot lights are making me dizzy, sweaty and libidinous.  Hot damn, Queran is looking absolutely gorgeous and heavy with my heir.  She is due really soon and nothing could make her sexier than seeing her in her element.  She is stunning and naturally photogenic.  I don’t know how I was talked into this couple’s pregnancy photo shoot but damned if I won’t give anything to my girl, my woman, my baby, my luna, my everything.  We have been in the studio for nearly 3 hours where hundreds of shots have surely been taken.  I engaged a lady photographer, Rafaella, who is the very independent and head strong daughter of one of the sub-alphas in Arcadia. 

“Luna, I want you to close your eyes and smile.  Look up! Yes, perfect.  Great job you are definitely one hot mama.  Hold it right there. (Click)  Awesome!  I swear if I didn’t have a vjay-jay I would’ve jumped you already.  You are fabulous hun.” Click..Click..

“Shut the hell up Rafi and hurry it up.  I’m melting here.”  Keegan griped.

“I am not quite done yet, hot shot.  Zip it and let me do my job.  Alright, cup her breast..just like that. Great.  Oh you are now my favorite pair.  You guys are great.”

She’s a little bossy thing but I like her.  We practically grew up together and we used to hang out in between pack meetings or on special occasions.  Our dads are really great friends. There is no one I would trust more with these works of art but Rafi.  She is the best in her line of work and lived in Europe since graduating from college.  When I found out she has come home, I got in touch with her and she offered to do this for us.

“I can’t wait to get you alone, baby?”  I whispered as Rafi makes quick work of the shutter as we pose in a very intimate shot, making sure all the right angles are captured.  Queran is topless but covered in a thin white sheath from the hips down.  I am standing behind her, the expanse of my right arm covering her breasts across her chest. I cup her left breast that fit perfectly in my palm.  My left hand is resting on her belly as she looks up at me with both her hands clamped on my neck.  Her face transforms into various expressions and I fucking love each and every one of it.  I swoop down on her pink lips because I love kissing her.  She responds by opening up to me and my tongue explores her mouth.  I bite down on her lip and nibble the side.  Sensually, she digs into my hair pulling my head to lock lips with her.

“Damn, that’s effing hot.  Keep going, guys!”  (Click)

Rafi complemented as we were so lost in the moment.  I can’t think of a single instant that I never thought of Queran.  Every waking hour is a joy to behold by just looking at her.   There was never a day that I hear her complain about anything, not even a wee bit.  She was never self-conscious of how she looked.  She is just so perfect that it can make me weep.  In the midst of our intense make out session, someone got jealous.  Queran winced breaking the kiss and tried to hide it with a smile.

“Hey Rafi!  Let’s go for a break please.”  I bellowed as I carry my girl into a divan.  “Is it another contraction, baby?”

She lay on her back and I threw a blanket artlessly over her breasts.  She groaned and arched as I support her lower back; my other hand resting on her hard stomach. 

The baby stirred and I felt my son kick underneath my hand.  By eyes bawled out and we both gasped.  It was the most amazing feeling. Yup, my son wants out already.  I knelt before her kissing the small foot straining the lower quadrant of her bump.  My heart is beating a wild staccato as Queran’s nail dug into my arm as a contraction hit her again from the movement our pup was making.  But she still manages to smile through all this.

Fate Smiles on My Alpha (Book 1 of the Fate Series) - CompletedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz