Chapter 3 -To Know You is to Love You

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The continuous beeping of the ventilator filled the awkward silence between Keegan and Queran’s mother.   He was prepared to do an all nighter if that is what it takes to know more about his mate.  The anxiety, the fear for her life has been keeping him on high alert.  More than anything, he wanted to know if she was in great danger and who wants to harm her.  What he would not give just to see her awake and truly alive.  If only she was out of the woods to full recovery.  He waited patiently for her mother to utter a single word.  They resumed an unspoken staring match that pushed him on the edge.            

C’mon woman, tell me something!  Keegan yelled in his head.

“I heard that!”  Margareta exclaimed.

Keegan stilled.  “I didn’t say anything.”  He defended, wide eyed he raised both his hands in surrender.

“ I know, but I heard your thoughts telepathically.  It is my gift.”  Margareta said bluntly.

Keegan’s jaw dropped in disbelief. “Wow.  Does Queran have it as well?  I!”

Margareta just raised a lone eyebrow.  “What can you tell me about my daughter?  Will she be okay?”

“Queran has sustained quite a blow to her head from the accident.  We were able to control her bleeding but she has lost quite a lot from the accident and the surgery.  We had to operate on her collar bone and knee for fractures.  My friend and colleague, Dr. Heeley has induced her into a coma so the slight swelling to her brain can settle and her body to heal somehow.  I refuse to believe that the prognosis is poor but she’s a fighter.  She’ll pull through.  She HAS to pull through.”  Keegan rubbed his face before looking back at his mate.

 “I know the alpha in you is ready to pounce on me for answers.  I don’t blame you.  You are like my late husband, always wanting to conquer the world, controlling to a fault.  But you must excuse me for not trusting that easily.  Queran and I have been through a lot.  For a year we have been on the run, trying to find sanctuary from imminent death.”  Margareta began her story.  She looked him in the eye, trying to look for signs that he could be trusted with this secret.  Amazingly, all she can see is worry written all over his handsome face.  His deep set of blue orbs showed nothing but a burning passion, a silent plea for answers.  She had to trust in this man who may be her daughter’s chance for happiness, even love.  

Keegan held his mug with both hands.  “I understand your worry ma’am.  And I am glad that fate has brought us together even in the most bizarre situation.  But we have found each other now, if you could only look into your heart and find, that I have Queran’s best interest in mind.  I will keep you both safe.”  He cupped his hand to Margareta’s and patting it gently.

“Meg.”  Margareta smiled.

“Excuse me?”  Keegan asked as he tilted his head to the side.

“You can call me Meg.  My real name is Margareta Mosely-Nuñez.  Queran had to change her name, using my maiden name for obvious reasons when you are running away from someone who is trying to hurt you.  Queran, is our only child.  My father, cheated on his mate at some point.  The Luna Dea punished him for betraying his mate.  I carried the brunt of that punishment by being born human, even if both Queran’s grandparents were werewolves.  My mother died after giving birth to me.  I never shifted.   Because of my mother’s death, the Luna Dea took pity on her and appeared to my father in a dream.  She said that I will still be able to find my mate, and the child that I will bear will have special abilities that will bestow great powers to her future mate, her true mate.  She has not shifted YET; and she will, once she finds her mate and he imprints on her.  Carter Vargas, the alpha of a minority and nearly extinct pack; has gotten wind of the presage and since then has become delusional and obsessed.  He challenged my husband Mikel after he turned him down for his offer for Queran’s hand.  We were not a huge pack but our Weres are Lupus Albas.

Fate Smiles on My Alpha (Book 1 of the Fate Series) - CompletedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang