Chapter 14 - Amazing Discoveries

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Carter balled his fists and dug his nails into his palms as he saw Emma in the arms of another wolf.  His protective self and his wolf was clawing its way out to snuff the life out of that male who dared touched his mate.  Several hours before, he was coming to see her when he stopped dead in his tracks and felt his blood ran cold.  Of why he was not sure and it all felt very alien to him.  The first thought that came into mind was—Emma, strangely so.  Something bad happened to her and he screamed at the feel of him gasping for much needed air.  It waned almost immediately but knew something was wrong.  He purged on and wanted to see her well and whole.  She was not in her room where she has been cooped up for days.  Her scent lingered but faint.  He felt the connection with her even if he has not claimed her.  He was more in control of his wolf that he tamped down the urge to claim her every time they came together.  It was getting stronger by the day and he didn’t like it one bit.  He had to focus on Queran.  When he killed her father and gained the alpha position of the Shadow Creek Pack, there was nothing to show for it.  He killed most of them because they chose death than to follow him.  This left him with only a handful of men.  Enrique was looking for recruits from the rogues that roamed Arcadia.  He promised them money, vices, she-wolves, booze and ‘Whore’s Dust.’ 

“Whore’s Dust” gives Cocaine- like sensation where you can feel high and lost in the moment.  Indulge erotic fantasies, feel afloat and be someone you want to be.  This was his source of cash back in Santa Ynez and Enrique was the only guy he trusted with this.  His planning was taking a little too long for his taste with the complication of meeting Emma.  He cannot deny his attraction to her but he was not stupid to admit it to her.  He can’t have her getting ideas of a happily ever after, he will not allow himself to feel weak for want of her.  His wolf will have to live with the fact. 

Shouts from downstairs brought him back from his thoughts.  His attention averted to the sound of Emma’s name being barked out, something like Emma being unconscious.  He fought the idea to come down and grab her but he has to remain unknown to the others.  Small doses of “Whore’s Dust” have the capacity to mask a wolf’s scent that was why he was able to come in and out of Emma’s room and in the territory.  He walked a little down the hallway and peeked on the group of people downstairs fussing over his mate.  He leaned back to listen carefully.  His Emma drowned in the lake.  It was early morning, just a few hours after they had sex.  She wouldn’t go swimming fully clothed, that was just stupid.  His heart clenched at the reality that she may have thought about ending her life that the fact brought him to his knees in suppressed frustration.  His hands covered his ears as he tried to muffle the details of her broken state.  He had to get out of here.  He rushed back into Emma’s room and jumped out of the window.  He’ll come back later to see her.  His confused emotions are making him weak and weak he was not.    


Day 3 of wedded bliss and the newly bonded couple were taking a stroll around the expansive area of Canyon Woods.  Keegan clasped Queran’s hand as he was giving her a bit of a geography lesson and told her that a few small packs inhabited the area.  They were led by secondary alphas or alphas in training. They were either sons or daughters of betas from other nearby packs.  They answered to him, realizing that their pack was the biggest in Arcadia.  She didn’t realize how much more she didn’t know of Keegan.  She was astounded by his dedication and the enormity of his responsibilities; responsibilities she now shares with him as the rightful Luna.  She was becoming more and more in love with everything about him.  Keegan caught her smiling at him in the midst of his soliloquy. 

“What are you smiling at Mrs. Lucas?”  He asked amusedly as he crushed her to his chest.

Queran leaned on his chest and hugged him, squeezing him.  “I love the sound of that…I love you!”  She looked up at him.  With her eyes she showed her admiration.  “What you do around here, the pride in your voice is all very encouraging and admirable, B.  You sounded like my dad whenever he would tell me stories about our pack members.  He knew everything about them and made sure they were taken care of.  You’re a great alpha and I will always be in awe of you.”  With her hand he pulled his head for a kiss, all lips and tongue.  Keegan sucked in a breath and kissed her back with all the love he’s got.  He was humbled by Queran’s speech and spurred him to be better, be the best for her and the pack.  She tasted magnificent.  He angled his head to deepen the kiss.  “Gawd, I love you woman.”

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