Chapter 22: I Will Always Forgive You

Start from the beginning

"You know Shawn, even though I've only truly known the real you in a short time, I couldn't help but love you." I told him laughing.

"Your beautiful eyes, your eyes gave me hope. I knew I had to have you and now-" My voice broke. "-I'm going to lose you."

"Jen." He spoke so clearly I gasped.

A small smile graced his lips watching me.

His hand captured a stray hair from my head and tucked it behind my ear.

"Be-beau-tiful." He whispered making me blush. No ones called me beautiful before.

Suddenly his hand dropped and his facial expression blanked but his eyes stayed open.

"No, no, no, no." I shook him, rather aggressively.

His blue eyes looked lifeless making me cry like I've never cried before. I hugged his face to my chest, praying for this to be the dream I thought it was. I closed my eyes tight. Wake up! Wake up! I opened them to see myself still in the field holding my dead mate.

I don't know how long I was there staring at him because the next thing I knew, sunlight covered Shawn's body, enhancing everything about his face.

His eyes sparkled from the sun. I never noticed but he looked quite young. I started to laugh out loud. I never even knew his age! I think he's 23? Maybe 24? It's not like I can ask him now. He was dead.

Tears formed in my eyes again but they never spilled over, I wouldn't let them. I closed his eyes and kissed his forehead and then gently laid him down in the field.

I stood up slowly with revenge on my mind. But how was I supposed to kill them all? I was no match for them now.

Looking back, I noticed Mark and Damon hugging each other, tears in their eyes. Chris and Aimee stood their as well with Aimee crying her eyes out and Chris consoling her. Zander, Matt and...Nathan, stood next to each other watching me with sadness.

I could feel Shawn's dried blood caked on my hands. My whole face felt stiff from the blood and tears but nothing felt as hard as my heart felt right in that moment.

"Jennifer, I'm so sorry." Nathan started.

"You're sorry? Sorry for what? Killing my other half? Killing the love of my life? Killing me with him?" As I was talking, I wasn't staring at Nathan, I was staring at the knife that Zander was holding.

I stepped closer but no one moved. I looked into the eyes of my supposed family with hurt in my eyes. I could feel the guilt coming off of them in waves but it didn't matter to me. Their guilt wasn't going to bring back Shawn. I closed my eyes and remembered his eyes.

A lot of hope was attached to those eyes. Those lifeless eyes that I would never see again.

"Why did you kill him? Didn't you think that maybe I would have died with him? Didn't you care about me?" "Tell me!" I demanded an answer when no one spoke.

"We thought about that." Said Nathan. "Many of us went against the idea because we didn't want to lose you but then Zander told us something that made us decide. He said that he loved you and that when you were so sad about your mate dying, he would help to heal your wounds and maybe you would even love him in the process." He said so casually.

The rage I felt was hidden under my blank face. To them it looked like I was just listening to Nathan but on the inside I knew what I had to do.

I looked at Zander who was already looking at me. "You love me?" I asked, confused.

I went closer to him until I was at least a foot away. He didn't meet my eyes when I tried to look at him, instead he stood their rubbing his neck.

If only I was a little closer...

Oh, the heck with it.

I hugged Zander, pretending to actually care about his feelings towards me. I cried into his shoulder slowly feeling his body relax in my arms.

I was swift like Nathan, I pushed him away, grabbed his hand and elbowed him in the nose and as soon as his grip loosened I grabbed the knife and aimed it towards Nathan, who was standing close by but he blocked the knife with his hand.

A small cut, smaller than half an inch was made on his palm but he fell to the floor yelling in pain. His swearing became louder as the wolfsbane and platinum made their way into his bloodstream.

His was only a paper cut but Shawn had the whole knife in his chest for 5 seconds. My grip tighten on the knife about to strike again but Zander pushed me to the floor before I could kill Nathan.

I could see some of the pack members closing in on me, surrounding me with their unnatural strength. Thankfully, I still had the knife in my hand. I raised it above my head. "Come closer!" I dared them.

Nobody moved because nobody wanted to get struck by the knife and feel the pain that my Shawn had felt 5 times worse.

I backed away from the group and looked around the field, trying to find an exit and noticed a clearing to my right. I started to move towards it when a voice stopped me dead in my tracks.


No it can't be. I turned around to find myself looking into a pair of dark blue eyes.

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