Soraru:"I'm not !!!"* upset

Mafumafu:"*giggle* but youre face said that you know ?"

Soraru:"Shut up!"*upset

Mafumafu:"*Giggle* okay okay I tell you now.."


*Amatsuki Pov*(when mafumafu told him about soraru in messages)

I looked at my handphone , there is a new message , I'm open a message that written my best friend name "Mafumafu".





Ama-chan , Soraru ask me about game _____ we played ... What should I do.. I already replay him and told him I didn't play that game...


Amatsuki read carefully , and a bit suprise . "This is so long time I didn't see some of seriously message from mafu-kun....."

Amatsuki of course know about someone batray mafumafu , because mafumafu told everything to him.

Amatsuki grab a phone and replay mafumafu messages.



To: Mafumafu


Told him that you lied to him , maybe that can make he angry a bit . but don't worry if he hurt you I can protect you~ so don't worry.


Amatsuki check him twitter waiting replay from mafumafu,
At 14:20 Amatsuki got a simple message from mafumafu written "okay", He smiled , when amatsuki want to put a phone in the desk , he got a called from someone he loved so much.. "Itou kashitaro" amatsuki hurry to pick it up .


Kashitaro:"Did you trap mafumafu and soraru again ? soraru send me a message . he really got angry now"

Amatsuki:"b-but isn't I text to mafumafu is true ? he must be angry if someone tell a lie ! and why always me got to be scoled all the time !?"

Kashitaro:"ah but that make mafumafu cry , because of that he more angry to you than that thinks, but don't worry I can handle this . I must text to soraru , that you didn't mention it that far after all.."

Amatsuki:" eh !? mafumafu crying !? I didn't know he take that text in him heart... no , just let me apologize to soraru and mafumafu."

Kashitaro:"Are you sure? Soraru can scoled you , you know"
Amatsuki:"don't worry he always scoled me anytime, but he never hate me. so I fell glad because I don't want lost my friends afterall.."

Kashitaro:"that really is you.. okay I support you act ."

Amatsuki:"*giggle* but that is really you too , worry to much to me, I'm not a child you know~"

Kashitaro:"ah but you always forgot about something to tell and always me to make you remember so I thought if I didn't worry , maybe you can forgot everythings~"

Amatsuki:"S-shut up! that not reallly happened !"

Kashitaro:"EH ? but you already forgot that and always.."

Amatsuki:"S-Shut up!"

Kashitaro:"*giggle* okay,okay. I want to play a game now , so good bye ~ oh don't forget to log in too ~"

Kashitaro ended a call ,

Amatsuki:"gezz.... What the hell this guy is..."

"Actually... I just want to make you looked only to me..." after that Amatsuki closed he phone and opened he computer.


(To be Continue~)


A/N : This story isn't just about soramafu ~ kashitsuki in here too~ Thanks to read this story~ see you again~ oh and a Name game is sensored of course~


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