Chapter 24 || Dance performance

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I am currently in the dressing room getting ready for the performance. It's 6:30p.m and it starts at 7:00p.m. I finished putting on my makeup when I get a text.

Noah (jerk :p) -
How come you didn't tell me you had a performance?

Dang it. how did he know?

Who told you I had a performance?

Noah (jerk :p)-
Josh is in it and he's my best friend so obviously I knew. Again though, why didn't you tell me?

Idk I didn't think you would want to watch it. :/

Noah (jerk :p)-
Well I would have wanted to. Btw I'm here.

I don't reply because the show is going to start soon. I should have known he would be here, Josh is his best friend after all.


The show is coming to an end. I already did the five group dances I had and the duet I had with Josh , which we killed by the way. The only dance left I have is my solo, which is the last dance. My dance teacher let me have a solo at the end because someone from one of my dream colleges was going to watch me preform and I had a chance at getting a scholarship.

I was currently back stage waiting for the dance before me to end. I was shaking off all my nerves when the song ended. Breath. And now I got to pee. I always have to be right before I go on stage!!

I walk on stage and got in my spot. When the song starts I go into the routine I've practiced till my bones threatened to fall off. I wasn't even thinking, just flowing through the moves without a care in the world.It's when I'm on stage I realize why I love dance.

It's an escape for me. When I'm dancing I don't have a single care about anything else going on. I may practice till I'm almost dead but it's so worth it when I get on stage and do the routine spot on. I don't need to think, my body just knows what it's doing as if I was meant to do this. While I'm dancing I'm not thinking about all my problems. I'm not thinking about my crazy uncle, my crazy, but hot, ex, I'm not even thinking about the boy I'm so head over heels for. Instead my mind is clear and all my nerves are gone and it's just me and the dance floor.

When I hear the sound of a 240 people applauding I realize I finished my routine. A rush of happiness surges through me knowing I just nailed that combination. I take a bow and exit the stage.

When I finish changing out of my costume and into my cover up, which is my black adidas track pants and my shirt that says Anderson on the back of it that Kate made for me, I walk into the lobby.

Im greeted by my dance teacher Ms. Sara. "You did a great job on your solo Ariel!"

"Thank you." I say smiling kindly at her.

"The lady that came to observe you was very impressed. She couldn't stay to talk to you but she told me she would be getting in contact with you." She says with a smile.

"Really?! Oh my gosh that's great! Wait how is she going to contact me if she doesn't have my number!" I blurt out.

"Don't worry I gave her your number, I'm sure you don't mind."

"I don't mind, thank you so much for making this happen." I say attacking her with a hug. Ms. Sara has been my dance teacher since I was little, she's practically another mom for me.

"Your very welcome. I have to go yell at Josh now, he tried to sneak into the girls dressing room again." She says slightly chuckling. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and went over to Josh.

I was about to follow her until a pair of arms captured me in a hug. I let out a small yelp at the action. My back was against their chest so I couldn't see who it was. I turned around in their arms to be met with a very happy looking Noah.

"You were really good." He says with a cheeky smile.

"Thanks." I say smiling back.

I was aware of our current position but I didn't want to move. My stomach was full of butterflies. We kind of just stared for a little while before he let me go. I frowned a little at the loss of contact.

"So how are you getting home?" He asks me.

Josh was the person who took me here but I don't know if he will be able to drive me home anytime soon since he is currently being yelled at by Ms. Sara.

"Well Josh was my ride but he is currently getting yelled at for trying to sneak into the girls dressing room." I explain

He chuckles a little at his idiot of a friend before speaking up. "Well then I shall take you home than."

"Okie dokie." I say smiling. 

We get into his car and he makes his way to our street. We sit in silence for a while and I can't take it anymore. I was about to say something but Noah beat me to it.

"Your a really good dancer." He says.

"Thank you." I say smiling at his compliment.

"Have you considered being a professional dancer?" He asks, his face serious.

"I mean I plan on doing dance in college but I want to go to medical school." I say.

"I'm not surprised." He smiles.

"What does that mean?" I ask confused.

"It's just seems very you to have a job that would consist of helping people."

"That's good right?" I ask.

"Indeed it is princess." He says as we pull up to our street. 

"I'll walk you to your door." He offers.

"I'll be fine." I assure him.

"It wasn't a offer." He tells me.

"Alrighty then." I say getting out of the car smiling.

He walks me up to my door then stops to look at me.

"Okay you've walked me to my door you can leave now." I tell him.

He looks as if he wants to do something but decided against it. I don't know where I got the courage from but I go up on my toes and kiss him on the cheek.

He looks stunned but smiles a very happy smile showing a dimple on his left cheek.

"Did that kiss on the cheek mean you just friend zoned me?" He asks trying to sound playful but I could tell in his eyes he wanted a serious answer.

"You are far from the friend zone." I say with a wink. Why the sudden confidence?

If it's possible, his smile got even bigger. I poked his adorable dimple before saying "bye" and slamming the door in his face.

I didn't tell him I liked him but I hinted at it. Hopefully he got the hint.


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