Chapter 9 || your loss princess

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-Noah's point of view-

When lunch time came around I already had 6  new friends

Jase- 6"1, well built, player, hazel eyes, and looks that leaves girls drooling

Justin- 6"2 rock hard abs, smart, player, green eyes, man whore

Dylan- 6" fit, smart, has a girlfriend, nice, can get a girls number if he wants, brown eyes, brown shaggy hair

Zach- 6"3, gets laid almost every night, every girls dream, dark brown hair, green eyes, well built,

Chris- 6"2, most fit out of all of us, black hair, blue eyes, player, good grades, perfect smile

Josh- 6"1, fit, dancer, cares about girls feelings, dirty blonde hair, green/blue eyes, good grades, speaks Spanish/French

After we got our food I look around for a table to sit at. I'm about to lead the group to a table full of jocks when my eyes find my way to Ari's table.

"Hey guys, wanna go terrorize some girls."

The guys laugh in a agreement and we head over to Ari's table. I see 5 other girls sitting at the table. I see Kate and Adri from science this morning and I recognize the other girls as
Selene, Alex, and Morgan, Ari's best friend.

As soon as I sit down she glares at me.

"Hey princess." I say smirking as I plop down next to Ari. Josh and Dylan sit across from us while Jase sits next to Alex, Zack sits next to Selene, Chris next to Adri, and Josh next to Kate.

Ari rolls her eyes at me and averts her gaze to Josh and smiles.

"His Josh."

"Hey Ari, sorry but Noah wanted us to terrorize you guys." He says with a smile.

"I figured so." She says still smiling at him.

They know each other?! Well they are both dancers, maybe that's how? For some reason watching them smile at each other gives me weird feeling in my chest.

"Any who." I say, bringing her attention back to me, just the way I like it. "Who are you going to the dance with?"


-Ari's point of view-

"Who are you going to the dance with?" Noah ask me with a smirk. At the beginning of every year my school has a beginning of the year dance. The dance is always on a Friday on the first week of school.

"I'm going with Morgan, Selene, Adri, Kate , and Alex." I say

"Oh so what your trying to say is you don't have a date to the dance?" He says smirking.

"If your trying to ask me to the dance the answer is no." I respond

"Aw come on princess why not?" He says frowning a little.

"Cause you're quite the man whore." My response earns laughs from all the guys and I smile.

"Your loss princess."


After the school day is over I walk back to my house. Morgan had to go pick up her sister from school so she couldn't drive me. I don't mind walking since the walk back is less then 20 min. I plug in my earphones and listen to some of the songs I actually enjoy from the my  era. While I'm walking I kinda get into the song and start dance-walking, half dancing, half walking. I would've dance-walked all the way home if I didn't hear the sound of a laugh of someone probably directed at me.

I decided instead of going home, to go to the park, so I sat on the park bench and continued listening to my music.

I was very relaxed looking up at the sky listening to music until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Noah standing there. I unplugged my earphones and smiled at him.

"Hey, wassap?" I ask looking at him.

"Well I was walking around bored and I saw you were here so I came over to talk to you." He said, blushing a little. Why is he blushing?

"Are you sure your not stalking me Noah?" I say with a smirk.

"Of course I am princess." He says rolling his eyes. "So do you wanna go somewhere?"

"Where would we go?" I ask, cocking my head to the side.

"Ice cream?"

As soon as he says that my eyes light up. I have a major sweet tooth and I could use some ice cream right about now. I don't think I've gotten my daily dose of sweets yet so ice cream will help me keep up.

"Yes let's go! Like now!" I say pulling his arm.

I drag him to a.Dairy Queen that was a less than 10 minute walk from the park.

As soon as we get there my mouth starts to water at the smell of sweets in the building.

"What do you want?" Noah asks looking at me.

"Surprise me." I say with a smirk knowing I'll literally eat anything here.

He orders our ice cream and comes back with a Oreo blizzard with Oreos at the top in one hand and a vanilla cone in the other. He hands me the blizzard and I frown at him.

"All you got was a cone?" I ask dissapointed.

"Yeah, I don't have much of a sweet tooth."

"Bummer" is all I say before devouring my ice cream.


After we finished our ice cream we just talked. He told me about his family and how his dad walked out on them. And I told him about mine and how my dad is un-loyal but won't leave my mom.

I told him about my passion for dance and he told me how he used to dance when he was a kid up till  he was 14 and stopped doing classes to get into other sports like soccer and baseball.

We talked a lot about ourselves and learned a lot about each other. I realized he's a really great guy when he's not being a douche man whore.

We walked backed to our houses and said our goodbyes as we both walked into our houses.

I run up stairs and plop on my bed and think about the good time I just had with him and how he made me smile. Why am I feeling like this?

-Noah's point of view-

Once I got home I ran up the stairs and plopped on my bed, thinking shout the time I just had with her and how I was happy. Why am I feeling this way?


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